Comics like pic related?

Comics like pic related?

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the movie was a giant cashgrab full of crossovers, so the comic of the space jam 2

Joshua Williamson's Justice League

>the space jam 2

The most Dad thing I've ever read on this site.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Can you explain further?

>remember all this shit from old stuff you liked
>well I'm smashing it all together in a big action spectacle that's also terribly written
>you will like this because it references that old thing you liked, right?

so... embarrassing comics?

Any mid-2000s sprite comic

You will never be a janny

Dearest Not-A-Janitor,

Please accept my humblest apologies for my transgression. I did not intend for to start this thread as "request thread" but I certainly do see how it can be interpreted as such.

In the future, I will endeavor to be a more mindful, poster.

Warmest Regards,

> P.S. Global Rule 12
>Impersonating a Any Forums administrator, moderator, or janitor is strictly forbidden.

you should kill yourself if you like ready player one

Snyder’s Dark Nights Metal and Death Metal

DC’s Convergence tie-ins.

Kingdom Hearts Manga

I love those (especially 8-bit theater), but you're right

The book is great and so is the movie

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You must not’ve been here long.

Do yourself a favor don’t read the second book.

Kid Radd is the best

honestly the worst thing i've ever read.
MC is an unlikeable fuckup that never does anything wrong with the emotional range of a wet newspaper
diversity pandering with the friend being a fat black lesbian who ran away from her parents for being lesbian
constant 80's pandering but not even good pandering, just constant references to things that existed in that decade

Reading the first one is already a mistake


I have only read some pages of that book that were posted here around the time when the movie came out, it is burning garbage. The worst part was the page where the MC just lists all the retro pop culture shit he read/watched and then ends with "And of course, Kevin Smith".

Why would anyone like that shit?