I didn't like this, but I never understood why it was panned

I didn't like this, but I never understood why it was panned.
How did it merit Razzies awards?

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This fight is so tone death.
Their fight in TDKR meant something.
This meant nothing. Nothing at all.

It meant MARTHA.

It didn't, it was mearly audiences reacting to seeing something that went against expectations, at this point people were so used to Marvel movies that something coming out that was differentt and tried to actually say something and have deeper meaning, and which protrayed both protagonists as flawed, caused people to hate it simply for being different.

I mean look at this shit, they called it the "Donaly Trump" of superhero movies despite it being very blatantly against everything Trump stands for: variety.com/2016/film/news/batman-v-superman-donald-trump-reviews-1201740341/

The vast majority of the reactions to this movie when it came out proved that most "critics" are idiots that can't follow a very basic plot and would rather insert their own politics into everything.

brainlet takes, the fight was a culmination of Batman's paranoia and his own self loathing that he projected onto Superman, while for Superman it was having to fight someone that could potentially kill him (the first time since Zod) and gave him a living stand in for all the unjust hate and fear large parts of society had thrown his way throughout the movie.

It's very, very blatant and if you aren't able to get that I really feel bad for you.

I forgot this even existed

Frankly it was the edit. Terrio and Goyer get a lot of shit for the story not making sense, but the extended cut actually fills in a lot of the plot holes people complained about, meaning it’s not as much a mess as people criticized. The theatrical edit guts a lot of Cavill’s scenes. Clark does journalism stuff on Batman and builds up an understandable disapproval of Batman’s violence (the Bat brand on prisoners is expanded on). They also omit a lot of important details of Lex’s plan to frame Superman, scenes where Lois investigates the African militia massacre reveal that the woman on tv was bribed by Lex to lie and is killed by KGBeast when she’s about to come clean to Lois. There’s also the courthouse explosion. Audiences complained Superman just leaves afterward, but in the directors cut he’s shown carrying injured people out to paramedics (they also explain that the bomb chair was lined with led hence why Clark couldn’t see it etc)

None of this may really change certain people’s misgivings about the over all themes, but what is clear is that the filmmakers did put more care and thought into those themes than they were given credit for. The only thing you could really still fault them for is that with all those elements preserved, the film is close to 4 fucking hours. Snyder’s biggest problem is that he doesn’t know how to truncate things, and if that’s the case then maybe film isn’t his medium.

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This fight was so stupid when in justice league nobody could stop him (Could even see the flash in full speed) when he revived except seeing louis.

I'm still not sure what Luthor's plan was. Was he butthurt that everyone worshipped Supes and he wanted to prove that he was mere man by trying to frame him of murders? Did he try to put him against Bats because he wanted to prove that he is a monster if he kills him, or a non-god if Bats manages to beat him? But then Supes didn't do neither so he unleashes the monster.

Oh no! The fuck got stuck

>shit characterization
>awful miscasting
>plot is full retard
>dialogue is awkward and autistic
>Snyder's obnoxious, ham-handed directorial style turned up to 11
It should have won ALL the razzies.

His plan was "Le Evil, something something, muh Daddy".

It was absolute cinema and only marvelfags say otherwise

Superman wasnt trying to flat out destroy Batman, just make him listen / submit and show he is more powerful than him (earlier in the movie he is told that Batman will only listen to someone that is stronger than him) and he was affected by kryptonite.

Come on man, just use your brain for one second.

He wants to destroy the idea of Superman as a good, all powerful figure which we learn large portions of the population see him as. He first wants to show he isn't good by framing him for murdering people in the middle east, then he wants to drive the point home that he isn't actually all powerful by either having Batman kill him, or if he kills Batman then it further proves he isn't good and then will kill him with the Doomsday / Zod clone. Once Superman got killed by Doomsday he would then use the kryptonite weapons he was contracted to make by the government to stop it.

It's pretty simple.

God, I've never seen a more retarded post.

>If God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good.
>If he's all good, then he can not be all powerful.
>They need to see the fraud you are
That's pretty much it. The murder frames were to nudge Batman to fight him. Doomsday was to prove that Supes cannot be all-powerful

It’s not as deep as you want it to be. Even if all of that was blatant, that’s not very good writing.

It’s not like Trump politically, it’s like Trump in that it’s in your face and not very deep.

>He first wants to show he isn't good by framing him
But this doesn't even make any sense
>wants to show he isn't good by doing Evil and laying blame on Supes
>wants to show he's not powerful by creating a more powerful Kryptonian monster-man to beat him up
It's a retarded motivation.
Also, you are likely retarded.

It's dull, dour, and self-important. 'Nuff said.

>earlier in the movie he is told that Batman will only listen to someone that is stronger than him
By whom? And why should he take this person's word for it?
>God, I've never seen a more retarded post.
Funny because you make them on a regular basis.

It does make sense, are you fucking stupid? Framing someone for murder is a pretty good way to show they arent a good person.

And making another being, that is evil, destroy Superman shows he isn't all powerful. His entire motivation is he doesn't believe someone can be more powerful than him and also be more morally righteous, both of what I said plays into that you mental midget.

Jesus christ, you third worlders are another level of retardation.

That's not motivation, that's the means of carrying out a plan. A "motivation" is something that causes him to want to make a plan in the first place. it's basic reading comprehension you fucking retard

> By whom? And why should he take this person's word for it?

By multiple people he interviews as Clark Kent, try watching the movie. That coupled with Batman's branding leading to people's deaths (set up by Luthor) solidifes the idea in his head that he has to show he is more powerful. It also follows up on how he was unable to reason with Zod / Zod would not listen to Superman.

Please, continue to be retarded though.

No one is saying its very deep but you, but it is deeper than literally every MCU movie.

It also apparently is not in your face at all by evidence in this thread of how many people couldnt follow the very simple plot.

>By multiple people he interviews as Clark Kent, try watching the movie.
No one tells him this. You are inferring it with your retarded head-canon.

The word you are looking for is "pretentious". It is more pretentious than any MCU movie.
It tries to be grimmer and more serious, but ends up just as silly as any MCU flick.

Don't forget that the theatrical cut left out important scenes. So we really got a gimped version in theaters

My problem is just how stupid some if not all the characters act.

No one acts dumb in the movie

Someone literally does tell him this.


at 4:07 "men like that (referring to Batman) words don't stop him, you know what stops him? A fist."

You are a fucking retard. Like legit, mentally deficient.

Also even if it WAS inferred (which it wasnt) god forbid a movie imply things instead of deliver everything in exposition. That is the kind of thinking you get with MCU brainrot.

No, the word deep is what I meant. It has actual themes it deals with and intertwines with its plot and characters actually grow and change, unlike the vast majority of MCU movies.

And it was never not trying to be silly, but rather have everyone in-universe take what happens seriously since it is the world they live in, instead of having people break the 4th wall with camera wink "wow this is so silly lmao" jokes.

Thanks for trying though, keep at it champ. One day you'll form a coherent argument.

>No one acts dumb in the movie
Keep telling yourself that.

No it's pretty explicitly said.

LMAO holy shit, this is a new low for you MCU faggots ahahahah you fucking stupid mother fucker

So he's basing his entire approach to Batman based on the word of some street-criminal's baby-momma?
It just keeps getting more and more retarded the more you try to "explain" it.

Stop pretending that a wide puddle is a profound ocean.

And the pictures of the dead in jail, and the random citizens in Gotham talking about him. And even then, when it comes to the actual fight, he starts off by apologizing.

>It has actual themes it deals with and intertwines with its plot and characters actually grow and change
You can't be serious. The whole thing comes off as written by a 12 yr old, and Batman does a neck-snapperingly rapid turn from "Oh God how I hate this guy who saves people and want to kill him" to "Oh God how I love this guy who saves people and want to have his babies" based primarily on them both having a mother named Martha.

To be fair, Superman had never encountered kryptonite before and he didn't try to kill or seriously hurt Batman. If he was in his JL mindset in BvS he would have melted Batman long before the kryptonite grenade.

>gets BTFO
>moves the goal posts

And no, it is not based entirely on that. Please re-read what I said the first time you insufferable retard.

> By multiple people he interviews as Clark Kent, try watching the movie. That coupled with Batman's branding leading to people's deaths (set up by Luthor) solidifes the idea in his head that he has to show he is more powerful. It also follows up on how he was unable to reason with Zod / Zod would not listen to Superman.

It is someone telling him this, him getting evidence of him becoming more brutal, and because of how the last time he dealt with an adversary (Zod), he refused to listen to him and would literally only stop when forced to.

God, you fucking third world shitheads need to read a book and learn inference one of these days. I bet you're one of those unimaginative retards that can't even picture a full apple in your head when asked to imagine one hahahahaha

Even a low IQ like Clark would quickly figure out that Batman isn't setting up criminals to die in prison with his mark; he's an anonymous vigilante, he'd just kill them Rorschach-style if he wanted them dead, he wouldn't be doing this elaborate bullshit setup.

Because Warner Brothers hates comics books

No one is saying its profound, stop projecting bro

I am literally just saying its deeper than MCU movies, which is very clearly is.

> Once Superman got killed by Doomsday he would then use the kryptonite weapons he was contracted to make by the government to stop it.

Except he let Batman take the kryptonite, so Doomsday was unstoppable and would have killed everything on Earth.

>It is someone telling him this, him getting evidence of him becoming more brutal
Superman kills the first notable villain he comes across, then kills the NEXT notable villain he fights in this sequel. Both of them rather brutally.
And he set up the THIRD villain he runs across to die brutally as well.
Superman....isn't taking a lot of prisoners in his film. It's not even shown that he directly apprehends Luthor, could have been Batman or Diana.

It's just not though

That isn't what happens at all, he just realizes he shouldnt have been mad at Superman and that Superman is not some alien threat but a person like him just trying to do good with what he was been given. He realizes he has been projecting onto him. A lot of classic tragedies (and Terrio has explicitly stated he based his draft off of tragedy structure) have these moments of profound realization when the protagonist realizes they had been acting from a place of intense emotional fog.

>Except he let Batman take the kryptonite
Actually Batman murdered a bunch of his security and stole it.

Technically the "next" notable villain is just the first notable villain brought back to life as a monster.

i hate Any Forums

He kills Zod after BEGGING him to stop multiple times and after Zod forces his hand. He also killed Zod in the comics with much less pretense and killed Zod in the Donner movies. He also has never hesitated to kill aliens in the comics and does take plenty of prisoners (he puts all the other invading kryptonians into the phantom zone you retard)

Superman is not very brutal at all, he just struggles more.

You are so fucking stupid, its actually painful.

>and that Superman is not some alien threat but a person like him just trying to do good with what he was been given
That would have been obvious by Superman's multiple rescues of people in distress from the newspaper. You know who ISN'T helping people in distress? Batman.

It actually is :)