Where's the logic in this?

Where's the logic in this?

Even if a guy would reject a girl solely over her political beliefs, wouldn't that make women of less-palatable political beliefs just get their needs met through casual sex, and give women like the teacher the pick of the litter as far as guys who don't resort to casual sex in the first place go?

Attached: pcthugsoundslikeagoodnameforarockband_gif_001.gif (472x360, 2.92M)

Why is a grown woman speaking to an eight year old like that?

d-do girls in OP exist? asking for a friend

I believe she's saying that by overall worsening the image of women, she's going to lessen men's general hope of finding a good woman. That is to say, if men fear every women they try to flirt with is going to turn out to be a crazy liberal retard who'll accuse them of rape, they're not going to flirt a lot.

>Where's the logic in this?
There is none, it's a joke

The joke is that the teacher is unreasonable. "You give _____ a bad name" has always been a stupid thing to say. Blaming children for the prejudice of adults is funny.

Well flirting is already dead so a bit late for that.

Yep. Killed by feminism.

She's not wrong

Can we see the context to this OP? Or is this just an excuse for r9k flailing?

Because Lisa in mentally a college liberal.

Lisa is smarter than most adults, try to keep up

She wrote an essay criticizing Jebediah Springfield not unlike people nowadays calling Thomas Jefferson out on owning slaves.

yes and we lurk among you

And you're also just as insufferable as liberal women like Lisa. Stop being a pickme.


Alright. Just checking, as the catalog is FULL of fucking bait today.

>Where's the logic in this?
>Even if a guy would reject a girl solely over her political beliefs, wouldn't that make women of less-palatable political beliefs just get their needs met through casual sex, and give women like the teacher the pick of the litter as far as guys who don't resort to casual sex in the first place go?

Keep in mind Ms. Hoover isn't talking casual sex. She wants a HUSBAND.

That's the point. Any woman whose political views were (supposedly) too unpalatable to land HER a husband can still get their needs met by guys who are going for casual sex and therefore wouldn't need a husband. And so the women who DO have the more palatable views, if they specifically want a husband, would actually have an advantage in finding one, since they aren't competing with women of less-palatable views for the "guys who could commit to just one woman" demographic.

Of course, it isn't lack of marital fidelity that gun owners and truck owners made out to be compensating for.

Don't get me wrong; I can't see myself rejecting a date solely over her political views; especially ones as plainly sincere as bluntly rebuking wrongfully revered historical figures; but even if I could, the internal logic of Hoover's statement doesn't even check out anyway.

>wrongfully revered historical figures
Don't be absurd user.
Jebediah Springfield was a perfectly cromulent man.

>wrongfully revered historical figures
>oy vey you have to hate your ancestors because they were evil

>Simpsons predicted it

>Any woman whose political views were (supposedly) too unpalatable to land HER a husband can still get their needs met by guys who are going for casual sex and therefore wouldn't need a husband
Good luck hitting The Wall.

Casual sex isn't the fucking same as a husband.

I think too much is being looked into as regards to Ms. Hoover specifically. The point is that Lisa is rocking the boat and nobody likes the boat rocker and will apply their own grievances to that person.