metaphors that went over your head as a kid

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spongbob wanted some pussy???

It's a metaphor for drug addiction.

Yeah like the ripped pants episode it was originally conceived when they were still planned to become something of a couple

Wait? What?

>equates a sea sponge needing water to maintain its continued existence to a junkie needing a fix
user, normal people don't need to be high every second of every day or else they will literally die

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They clearly fucked.


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she has drug adicktion?

Carpet munching lesbian bikers

No that was the karate episode

The early 2010 rise of lorefaggotry and deepest-meaning cartoons really fucked with the average Any Forumsnsumer.

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Karate Choppers is more of a sex metaphor then this is.

This is just Bob giving up something he needs in order to look cool to impress the girl.

So you don't subscribe to the Spongebob Skin Theory?

It's a metaphor for my coom addiction


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He didn't kill himself you retard

You were absent the day they taught about metaphors, huh?

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>Spongebob = me
>flowers = Israel
>water = US money
>table = drone strikes on palestinian territory masked as anti-terrorist efforts
how did they get away with this?