What is the worst cartoon you've ever seen? No, I'm not talking about Johnny Test or Peppa Pig...

What is the worst cartoon you've ever seen? No, I'm not talking about Johnny Test or Peppa Pig. I'm talking about a cartoon so bad, so fundamentally broken, that it leaves a pit in your stomach or makes you feel frustrated beyond any reasonable measure.

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Ripping Friends

Daddy Derek committed several atrocities and got away scott free.

The animation is good at least.

You really expect a man with an arsenal of guns and knife protection is going to go down easy?

Naming yourself daddy takes balls

For me it is The Problem Solverz.
Also I have not thought about IHE for ages, probably for a good reason.

Seconding this. Uncle Grandpa and other shows around the same time weren't nearly that bad as Problem Solverz.

Clutch Cargo.

Attached: Clutch Cargo.gif (320x233, 1.1M)

This fucking soi twink faggot is literal numale
>still plays with lego
>has "anxiety" like a PMS woman and does prescripton drugs from Jew Goldman
>LGBT dickrider
The combo would be full if he troons out

>in the two-part episode entitled "A Man From Next Thursday." The Ripping Friends' city, Ripcot, is said to be so advanced that it exists in "next Tuesday". The villain, Thursday Man, comes from the highly futuristic world of "next Thursday".
Sounds kino

This is his best video

post body

If allowed to count movies Food Fight. Even if they hadn't gotten their work stolen the script and dialogue were such shit it was going to be a bomb anyway.

If tv show only probably Clutch
Boring slow and must have been stick with a budget of $5

Attached: GlisteningSmugAuklet-size_restricted.gif (402x251, 2.41M)

FuckTales 17

problem solverz and mega babies

JLD Apokolips War

not once did i ever think any of this

Lego is based. Get fucked, terminally online outragefag

Numb chucks, seriously this show was so by the books and boring I barely remember anything about it.