Remember Planetina, Any Forums?

Remember Planetina, Any Forums?

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The poor dear is probably somewhere drunk off her ass right now.

>Canonically a pedophile.
yep thats a Any Forums fotm alright

this but unironically

I liked when she flew through Morty's window and went to town on him.

She literally committed statutory rape

Implying you call her mommy if you were in his shoes.

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She's too good for this world.

>Implying you call her mommy if you were in his shoes.
Ew no tf

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K more for me

She fucked a 14 year old.

She would murder her own creators.

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>statutory rape
I never get this stupid concept, rape is evidently a crime, using force to penetrate someone, but if both parties agree to fuck, what is wrong? Why the law care so much about it?

I think the logic behind it is that the minor in the relationship is too young to understand what being in that kind of relationship entails. Arguments can be made

I'll tell you how it is, age of consent should be higher people are even specially dumb when they're teenagers.
But for culturally reason and honestly because we don't live that long 18 it is.
There can be cases when it will not bring psychological problems like say 17 years, 364 days old with a 21 years and 1 day old. Depending of who you are you can Weasel your way into believing what you want to believe BUT that's like impossible to prove so a set amount is chosen and the law is followed.
Like how someone can get prison/ put on a sex offenders list for making a nude of yourself even if you're still underaged

Because one hasn't reached mental maturity. The brains of teenagers are literally not finished developing.

A lot of that is up to judges too, in cases of teens sexting each other some judges will just obliterate every kids life involved under " distributing child porn" ( even if it's pics of themselves they sent to a similarly aged SO) and slam them in the offender list to " make a example"

It's basically cruelty for cruelties sake. Hanging judges making examples of people doesn't really deter actions especially not horny kids

Yes, a fine take on the overzealous environmentalist who loses sight of how preserving the environment is only important for the well-being of humanity itself, and the dangers of forgetting that people and their needs must come before trees

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Serious note though: Wasn't Brie Larson hated before that very episode premiered? The time when she posted some sort of a tweet?
Explain this for me, Any Forums.

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