I thought you guys said this movie was bad

I thought you guys said this movie was bad

Attached: Ralph.Breaks.the.Internet.2018.2160p.10bit.HDR.BluRay.8CH.x265.HEVC-PSA.mkv_snapshot_00.04.05_[2022.02.05_22.30.15]-min.png (3840x1600, 1.44M)

>where do you think you are.jpeg

Stop caring what others think and looking for acceptance to your own opinions. Just fucking watch shit enjoy it or don't and move on, discuss and debate if you have to but you should fucking know where you are by now.

it is

I thought you would know better than to listen.

How is it bad? It's just a fun adventure movie with videogame characters

How god damn low are your standards man? It was dog shit.

First movie is timeless.
Second movie is dated with its references and has a dumb plot and was made as an advertisement of Disney first and a movie with a cohesive plot second.

Why are you watching it with a Middle Eastern desert filter?

The first movie had more vibrant backgrounds and tons of game characters just in the background, but the second movie seemed to just have the same 10 or so characters in every scene with the game central station being almost empty every time we saw it (Sonic, Chun Li, Zangief, Q-bert). It was very jarring. Gal Gadot seemed out of place when we could've had Calhoun and Felix go along with Ralph to Slaughter Race. The internet subplot just felt like filler and all of the premise ideas the directors wanted would make better movies than what we got. It also seemed to go against the first movie's "going turbo" where Vanellope never got any consequences for breaking her game. I have no idea why they didn't want to keep any videogame related plots.

Is this a 2 Babies 1 Fox reference?

>First movie is timeless.
There are just as many references to videogames in the first movie

Did he wreck it?
Did they fuck?

>First movie is timeless.

>moving away from being video game love letter to being just a shallow bag of pop culture internet references
no it was shit

No it isn't. That's the first one.

And? What’s your point?

Video games are a timeless hobby and form of entertainment, especially the retro arcade era which it was primarily based on, WIR is about to turn 10 this year and it’s aged very well.

Doing a film about modern Internet, social media, memes & viral trends on the other hand are gonna be EXTREMELY dated, go ahead and watch RBTI in about 20 years and see what you think of it now.

>Main character was a humble depressed average joe who was suffering a mid-life crisis and grows a fatherly relationship with a young girl that related to his problems.

>Sequel turns him into an idiot manchild who has an unhealthy obsession with his best friend who’s a little girl.

No, it was shit.

First movie is timeless because it was based on a form of entertainment that was already outdated at the time of the movie's production. There's a wave of nostalgia and naivety throughout because of it.
Second movie is just trying to hop on whatever was popular at the time of production while serving as a corporate propaganda vehicle for Disney taking over everything.

They obviously didn’t give a shit anymore about the established rules and setting of the arcade anymore, since they worked so much effort and research on video games for the first film, they just gave up and thought that was good enough.

That’s why there’s so many continuity errors and contradictions for the video game stuff at the beginning of the movie.

>Surge Protector didn’t question why Ralph was in Sugar Rush when he literally said the arcade was open.

>Ralph ignored the consequences to build a track for Vanellope who went against her player’s will. (Something Felix got punished for in the first film when Ralph was missing)

>No new licensed video game cameos, just the same Sonic & Street Fighter characters.

>Sugar Rush’s cabinet suddenly going from two-player to single player.

>Felix said said he’d cover for Ralph when last that time happened, they got put out of order.

And for the obvious elephant in the room, Vanellope going Turbo to live in Slaughter Race.

The surge protector also said Space Invaders got unplugged and then a few seconds later we see the Space Invader cabinet still in the arcade

Why would you ever trust the opinions of anyone in this board? If it looks interesting, watch it. Don't know why random faggots on the internet should affect what you decide to watch or not.