Sometimes I feel like a fake comic book fan cause I only really read through trades and omnibuses...

Sometimes I feel like a fake comic book fan cause I only really read through trades and omnibuses. I just can't do single issues.
I feel weird that I have not interest in resell or collecting or anything like that, cause it seems like its such a huge part of the community, but I couldn't care about it any less if I tried. But most of the gatherings I go to for this interest are all about that part of the community. It leaves me feeling out of place.
Does anyone else deal with this? When do you stop feeling like a poser?

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>Does anyone else deal with this? When do you stop feeling like a poser?
I don't feel like one to begin with. Unless the reproduction is genuinely terrible
(no, i don't mean having bright colours)
the important thing's enjoying the content. I do have a few single issues from the 70s to the 80s for fun but not something I'm insecure about as a hobby

Most people read comics that way. Only those who who have way too much spending money and hardcores buy all their comics issue by issue.

Tradition and community are the only thing keeping it around, and it is a big part of what is holding comics back from broader success. I don't think you're a fake fan. In a just world everyone would be enjoying comics this way now instead of being forced to read overpriced floppies to stay current.

And my singles aren't expensive key issues, they're just ones I find fun. the Marvel tales reprinting ASM 96-98 (downside being recolouring) and Thor 379 and 380. They were pretty cheap

Shelf-fag here. I look down on anyone with a shelf like pic related. I always assume they power read through the omniboo and can't appreciate serialized storytelling. Or they're like Omar and just flip through it without having time to actually read it.

Floppies are great. I only like collected editions for anything past 93, since the glossy paper of floppies starts to warp in the humidity and the ads start to interfere with the mood of a story.

You're not a fan, you're a fag.
Just fucking read.
Floppies are garbage.
Who the fuck is Omar?

IMO buying single issues nowadays is just not worth it. Singles are pricy and thanks to how decompressed comics are nowadays you may find issues padded out, since nowadays they write issues in order to fit trades.

If you want to buy floppies, I think you should just buy them for issues you particularly like, as this user says.

Not my pic, just some random pic I got off of google cause I didn't want this to be a full blown /shelf/ thread.

Trade & Omnibus reading is what you should be doing user. Floppies are for unintelligent losers who think Batman#484746 will be worth millions in a few years.

Also, it's cheaper to read trade/omnibus than floppies.

>Also, it's cheaper to read trade/omnibus than floppies.
That's the thing, this is only true when dealing with certain series.

And the fact that an OOP trade can go for hundreds of dollars is ridiculous. Imagine paying that much for a reprint - that's the real idiocy.

I have The Question trades, among others, that have been OOP and yeah, seeing that the 1st trade is $200 now is retarded. Digital will be the future.

>tfw started buying Kirby Thor Epics
Epic 3 was one of the first released but OOP by the time I bought it so I had to pay like £60. With eBay prices now I still dodged a bullet

Whoops. I meant years ago. After I caught up with the third one, I just waited until they came out and got 4 and 5 on release. Great series

Yeah, especially when you can buy the entire series in floppies for $50, custom bind them for $20, and have a one-of-a-kind product.

Yeah, especially when you could enjoy tracking down thr original issues, or picking up Marvel Spectacular 1-19 from '74-'75, which reprints the same stuff as the Epic.

>Sometimes I feel like a fake comic book fan cause I only really read through trades and omnibuses. I just can't do single issues.
floppy collectors are the actual posers, they just buy to horde and speculate about what the next price jump is. They don't give a shit about the stories or the writers and artists that create them. People like you are the actual comic fans.

This is such a weird conclusion to come to.

Which LCS owner touched you as a child?

If anything you can tell people who read floppies are fake fans as they can't really go back and read old stories the same way you can. Floppies especially today are just a tiny piece of the market compared to trades

what's wrong with the /shelf/ in OP? I mean besides being a giant Marvelfag. He has a lot of stuff in trade rather than JUST being an Omniwhore. People who only have Omni's I worry about because they just want the format, not the story. Because that /shelf/ has a ton of trades it means they actually like those stories.

>And the fact that an OOP trade can go for hundreds of dollars is ridiculous.
I have only whaled on a few things, most of the OOP stuff I find I get for discount or cover price because most stores don't care to research what stuff is going for online except for floppies. I recently picked up Swamp Thing Vol 7, that's going for about 200 online, I payed cover price.

I just see speculators everywhere these days, and you go to the store and see them pulling multiple copies of the same book off shelves all the time. There are even apps now that tell these people what to buy.

I think his logic is no one would read that many books but it doesn't seem like a crazy amount crazy to me and it's not like he has literally everything, I don't see the problem

ya, I can easily read 1-2 trades a day, more on the weekend. doesn't seem unreasonable, especially since I don't want to reread something every year, usually wait a few years between reads.