Great Darkness went from a big threat who showed up once in a blue moon in small books like Swamp Thing to a...

>Great Darkness went from a big threat who showed up once in a blue moon in small books like Swamp Thing to a Xehanort/WoW-tier villain who's behind everything ever
Bravo DC.

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>villain who's behind everything ever
This month. Next month it will probably be some new "most powerfool villin evar"

Power scalers love this shit.

The Great Darkness being behind everything MAKES SENSE tho.

I always believed that in my head-canon, sometimes i named it Empty Hand other times TGD or Great Evil Beast.

This revelation that Williamson came up with doesn't change shit and actually respects the DC Lore, every evil deed in the DCU has a name and it just changes but those are just avatars of TGD.

Now Perpetua being behind everything was a gutter trash idea, just like the character and the Batman who keks.

>THIS god-like evil being behind everything is good
>THIS god-like evil being behind everything is bad
stop being such a retard

Personally I prefer when cosmic big bads are used more and new ones aren't always made and hyped as THE evil of the universe. I know the latter still happens but I'll take instances where it's not done.

is that Prime? the fuck?

Yes, Prime was an avatar of the Great Darkness.

who are those on the ring finger and thumb?

Ring Finger is Hank Hall, aka Hawk and Extant

That's such a... peculiar coterie of supervillains. It almost seems randomized

Thumb is final-form Mr. Mind

It's cool, I mean it is doing that thing DC loves to do and mine every cool idea Alan Moore/Jack Kirby ever had and turn that into a year long line-wide crossover.

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>Showed up once in a blue moon
Showed up once, idiot. Literally in one story. And back then it was already the source of all evil, this just recontextualizes that.

i thought that was Darkseid

Williamson is a raccoon digging through Moore and Morrison's trash. Please understand.

Introducing a new character in a long, extensive universe and making the universe spin around it is frowned upon. The great darkness was already God's shadow half back when it was created.

Did he do anything important?

Yes, lots.

Basically the entire history of the DC Multiverse has been recontextualized in a hermetic conflict. God started out as everything and nothing simultaneously, then it separated in a side that wants to divide, expand and diversify endlessly (the source, the presence, whatever you want to call it) and one that wants to return to the point of origin in which everything and nothing are indistinguishable(the great darkness). Its fitting since DC's cosmos is defined by that push and pull between expanding the line and the cosmos and reducing it, rebooting, restoring, simplifying things for a new audience, and so on.

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I'll believe you. Prime being an avatar of this thing is such a shitty decision though.

He's a key player in Crisis in Time (Zero Hour), and he later re-branded to Monarch who played a similar role in Infinite Crisis.

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please don't let Batkek come back and usurp the great darkness. I'm begging you, DC

The only problem I have with this is that it makes DC weaker than than Marvel.

That makes more sense, I remember Monarch.

How so? Marvel is basically the same thing. Check the last issue of defenders.

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Is that the Red-Eyed Black Dragon?

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