Bug wife

Bug wife

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Irkens are made to be bullied

Son, I already have a wife I bug

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Murderous, genocidal bugs make the best wives. It is a scientifically proven fact.

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Miyuki makes me ROCK HARD!

Can't decide what's hotter, her alien form or her human form

Lol no

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Human men aren't for marriage - they're for science!

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Do you prefer your Irkens with or without tits?

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i requested that pic

>tfw brother fucking the bug girl again
>you can tell because he always yells AYY LMAO while he's doing it
what do you even do in this situation

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Miyuki is cute. CUTE.
I really don't know.
Them being flat as a board makes more sense and makes it more obvious that they are built different, but I like titties. So long as the artist makes clear that the Irken is female in other ways, I'm fine with it.

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I'm good with either and partial to my bugs being flat.
Sweet digits.

Tak is everyone's favorite

Ignore it and try to play vidya. Maybe with your bug guy friend and crazy robot?

Flat a fucking washboard, and possibly annoyed that the skool kids are calling her 'flat' when she makes her disguise match her normal body.

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>what do you even do in this situation

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I don't know when I will ever be able to bring it up again so I'll say it here and now: I once had a dream about Tak when I was 10 or so and I've been thinking about it since. It was such an experience to the point that I would give 20 years of my life away so that I could have the same dream again just to experience it for a second time. This has only ever happened with this dream and another one I had a couple of years ago (Tak wasn't in there though)

did you fug Tak?

Learn to lucid dream. They even make pills for it iirc.

>did you fug Tak?
I think I was way too young for a dream like that, but then again I've never had a wet dream ever so..
It was just kind of a comfy dream, but in hindsight it might've been a little embarassing



I understand what you mean, I had a dream where I fugged Jenny Wakeman and her sensors malfunctioned and tried to kill me thinking I was an intruder. It was an oddly comfy dream

Tell us everything

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