When will there ever be an orientalist cartoon

When will there ever be an orientalist cartoon

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Damn shes hot

What do you mean by Orientalist?


Learning, or study in Asian subjects or languages. But this in general means Islam and Muslims, not East Asians (at least when it was devleoped). As the middle East is in Asia. A fact that confuses Americans.

That's weird, as in my neck of the woods, we refer to 'middle easterns' as arab cultures, and 'oriental' as the far east of china etc.

So orientalist cartoons suggest carttons like AtLA, whereas the picture is suggesting something a little more like, I dunno, the ottomans? So things like Iznogoud.

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With all the sjw manchildren whining about muh cultural appropriation nowadays, don't count on it.

This fit the bill?

There's another youtube cartoon that I can't remember the name to about a pair of siblings who own a mystic bazaar in the middle east. The first episode had to do with a jinn's gold.

If dumbass Any Forumstards could take an orientalist cartoon as an outright fiction and not hold it up as an example of "this is what THEY'RE like IRL!" then there'd be no proble with it and it could even be something cool and hyperrealist and interesting.

But because they can't stop roleplaying Templars it'll never work out.

That's not even nearly the complaint against orientalism.

An course in my art school have a whole class talking about how bad oriental is because its an evil white man image of the middle east, so no don't expect any thing that isn't young children media to ever again tackle an oriental setting, especially in a post 11/9 world. Nope it's just generic European medieval yet diverse settings from now on.

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No really, what kind of cartoon do you have in mind. It’s kind of hard to have a cartoon based on the mysteries of the East when the internet exists and millions have immigrated overseas.

The issue is by and large based on what people said centuries ago. Like, what do you call somebody from the Indian subcontinent? Can't call them Indian as they might be from Sri Lanka. South Asian makes sense as covers all. West Asians covers people from Georgia and Armenia etc which aren't in the Middle East. The US classifies Middle Easterners as white for example. So its really dependent on where you're from.

It's hilarious how you've never even considered the idea of letting actual Arabs depict their historical settings in fantasy. That would easily solve both problems.

If you wanted to do an extrapolated caricature where men with scimitars gang-rape harem girls, nobody is going to stop you. You just need to acknowledge you're making exploitation fare at that point and lean into it.

>buh-buh-but cancel culchurr!
Grow some balls, faggot.

When op say "orientalist" I assume op meant eastern caricature since that what it means, at least in art. I sure no one would have a problem with an historical Arabian or Egyptian show by those people, but don't expect any western mainstream animator with the means to actually create a cartoon to do a haram fiction.

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Arabs won't because their sky daddy forbids depicting anything natural.

What does this even mean?

Sorry bro, last reply missed the point hard. I'm tired.

It literally means what it says. Are you unaware that the quran forbids a good muslim from making craven images? Why do you think there is very little art tradition in the muslim world other than mosaics?


I know they're banned from idolatry of Allah, because then you get the same shit Christians have where they go to war over the image over the message. But I don't think that equates to "you can't draw trees".

Also, pretty sure Islam had a big 'ol Golden Age at one point, so I'm sure that at least produced A painting.

Lastly, I don't think modern Muslims can be held to the ancient standards of Islam any more than modern Christians can. They can use a digital art tablet and nobody's gonna cut their hands off.