I refuse to believe there was a single person that liked this show

I refuse to believe there was a single person that liked this show

Also how did they get away with the title

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I liked it

I liked it but i was a kid

I liked the visuals and Dr.Wasabi, everything else was "meh"

Attached: drwasabi.jpg (356x393, 33.55K)

Chick P was my crush

I'm right here. Absolutely love this show. You've got to admit that even if you're not a fan of the writing, the art style is awesome.

Same here. It just happened to be one of those shows I didn't mind watching even if it wasn't my favorite.

I still like it. The campiness is endearing

i never found it entertaining, its just something i would watch on canadian CN waiting for the american shit to come on. but to be honest looking back, i appreciate the art style and overall look a lot.

To add to this, Chop Socky Chooks, Skatoony and Robotboy were the holy trinity of late night animated shows I grew up loving that everyone else despises for some reason. I guess that's what happens when Any Forums zoomers grow up with cynical cartoon reviewers rather than the actual cartoons themselves. I genuinely can't think why anyone would have the energy to hate a show like Chop Socky Chooks.

Literally all good characters from bad shows are the villain ones.

>Aardman logo
hol up

>Afro Chicken tries to flirt with Girl Chicken
>She just completely shuts him down
Felt bad for the guy. He just wanted some cussy.

skatoony was underrated, the idea of a gameshow with a mix of real kids and cartoon characters was awesome to me as a kid. It was always a treat to see total drama characters pop up on there time to time. really wish it got more episodes, perfect game show for children

Wasn't the main character in Skatoony literally called "Chud"?

pretty much

Attached: chud.png (906x504, 565.18K)

I think he awakened my love of short optimistic pure guys

This scene always made me laugh

The strangely sexually charged intro probably didn't help.

It's gotten to the point where it wasn't even referenced in the OK KO crossover special but it probably had to do with the fact that Aardman who produced it alongside CN retained the rights to the show after it's abrupt cancellation.

i liked the art style a lot but yeah
at least it wasn’t shit