Which one is it?

Does Summer have a masculine face or Jerry has a feminine face?

Attached: summer-is-just-jerry-with-a-ponytail-rick-and-morty.jpg (735x486, 75.48K)

The former lmao. Summerfags are delusional

That's not what Jerry's face actually looks like, and this meme is old and busted. Summer is plenty cute and doesn't look like Jerry any more than Beth looks like Jerry.

That is definitely a man jaw.

The latter. It shows how much of a beta male Jerry is.

Jerry tends to have a face like this, though.

Attached: gerrimander.png (735x486, 535.46K)

Literally not the same head at all, the Jerry meme is tired and boring from the anti-"coomer" normalfag brigade.

Attached: 1200x0.jpg (1200x675, 58.39K)

Its potato face. Everyone has sameface that surpasses anime.

Summer clearly doesnt have Beth facial features here or any other girls in the series.

She doesn't have to? I'm just showcasing that she doesn't look like Jerry. Obviously they want the core cast to look distinctive amongst themselves and side characters.

Jerry came first, so Summer has a masculine face.
Yes, you are masturbating to Jerry with red hair and boobs.

Summer always looked uncanny. Anyone who faps to rick and morty is a faggot.

>That extremely thin Jaw on Jerry
That's very disingenuous.

So she has man face.

Her face does not resemble any man's that you can point to. She has a thinner overall head shape and thinner jaw then male characters.

No child has ever resembled one of their parents ever.

The artist being lazy.

She looks like jerry but with a weaker chin.

>She looks like jerry but with a weaker jaw
So, in essence, a girl, who doesn't look like a man. Gotcha.
>One tranny Jerry image has dominated discussion about a whole girl on a cartoon girl forum for years

It's an oval with some circles and lines on it.

You can still be a chick and heavily resemble your father, yes she looks like jerry.

The argument being made isn't that she doesn't have stylistic similarities to her father from an art perspective, or that in universe she may share some physical traits with her father, the argument is against the assumption that sexulizing Summer is the same as sexualizing Jerry in a wig. This meme can be disproven by looking at their actual heads side by side out of universe, and noticing that in universe Summer has never been portrayed as ugly, in fact one could argue she has a few clues to her being decent looking.

Summers whole head is a bit skinnier so its not the same otherwise Rick is just Jerry with a skinnier head and morty is just jerry with a fat head.
Its stupid and pointless to argue this

She has a man face not a man head. The show even acknowledge it.

They aren't very imaginative

Cite what you're referencing.