Fails the Bechdel Test

>Fails the Bechdel Test

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the what?

It has a cool fucking caveman who rides a dinosaur and beats the shit out of stuff, who the fuck cares about a stupid test

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Top 3 western cartoons in 2 decades.

>The Bechdel test is a measure of the representation of women in fiction. It asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man.
It fails because it has no dialogue

>Fails the Bechdel Test
Is there a consolation prize if a female character is the ONLY one who talks?

That sounds like a stupid fucking test

It is. Who the fuck wants to hear two women talk any fucking ways?

What kind of prehistoric creatures would you guys like to see in the show?

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Wasn't that just a meme joke from its feminist creator who never intended for it to be taken that seriously?

Close enough

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Yes and no. It was presented as a joke and not and actual comment on the quality of individual works based on whether or not they pass, but was criticism of general media trends.

God i fucking hate feminism so fucking much

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it's literally just a joke from a comic that people have taken extremely seriously for some reason

What are they talking about?

Mira does briefly interact with Fang in a capacity that doesn’t relate to or involve Spear or any other male, and I think that’s as close as you can get with this premise.

Mira bumped into Fang. Fang is telling Mira to watch where she is going. Mira is begging Fang to not disembowel her.

Fang also later turns out to like Mira’s cooking.

So good it's hard for me to believe it's real. It's a real whitepill: while our misfortune pushes poison overall, some good works still pass through.

It has a female dinosaur kicking ass. I think it passes a different test of its own.

Ah, yes. The Jurassic Park test.

Reminder that Gertie did it first.

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the based test