How about powers that are often neglected or forgotten? Venom's active camo tends to not get used much

How about powers that are often neglected or forgotten? Venom's active camo tends to not get used much

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I only even knew about this power because of the Neversoft game.

I always thought that was just them showing how Spidey sense doesn't work on him.

He is so hot.


Why the fuck do writers choose to ignore his freeze breath so much?

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Because heat vision makes for cool angry red eyes that are totally not stale at this point
Seriously, when did heat vision become Superman's defining offensive power?

>Seriously, when did heat vision become Superman's defining offensive power?
This exact moment. And I'm not being hyperbolic, this is when it was changed over from a utility to a major offensive power.

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I don't know but I agree it's become boring at this point, superman has so many underrated moves that don't get used that much, it's such a shame writers just spam laser eyes 24/7

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I just wish writers would get creative with the heat vision at least like in the old comics where he would melt the ceiling above a person and they would be buried under molten rock.

>Venom's active camo tends to not get used much
How often does Venom fight someone in a setting where active camo would be useful that couldn't detect him through active camo, and that he would need to sneak up on with active camo.

It doesn't get used much because it's a niche power. It's color change, not full on invisibility. If anything it'd be more useful for disguises combined with the shapeshifting.

>How about powers that are often neglected or forgotten?
Spider-sense. Like I get it. Characters need to hit spider-man for there to be any sort of tension. But that's complete bullshit.

Does it ever get as big as a Kamehameha or a major sized laser beam or does it stay the same size?

>Happy birthday, Kryptonian. It's time to shit.

>How about powers that are often neglected or forgotten?
Captain America has peak human intelligence. His brain is enhanced beyond that of even Reed Richards. But he can't study anything but combat related material so he won't go super scientist.

Likewise Thor's a god damn genius doctor that once built a robot smarter than anyone else on Earth.

Spider-Man has perfect balance. Minor power but it hardly ever comes up.

Cyclops has super aim above and beyond anyone on earth without destiny or luck related powers. He's also immune to his own eye beams although I can understand why that wouldn't come up much. He's also a master martial artist and tactician to the point where Wolverine has said he could beat him without his beams.

Symbiotes can narrow and stretch themselves long enough to use phone lines as a vehicle of attack across.

>Likewise Thor's a god damn genius doctor that once built a robot smarter than anyone else on Earth
Doesn't his official power grid say that his intelligence is 2, which is a dumb normalfag level of a brain?

Wonder Woman's ability to talk to animals.
Spider-man's web properties.
>Cyclops' super aim
Don't forget that sometimes it is achieved through training, sometimes it's part of the powerset.
Either way, I'm sure he teach math at the school.

Marvel has no god damn editors and for whatever reason likes to paint Thor as an idiot despite him being an ancient member of a race with advanced magitech who is himself well-educated.

Frankly people like Thor should beat the pants off Reed more often. Fucker's only been learning for a few decades and using modern earth knowledge to advance himself.

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>official power grid
That shit's complete laughable nonsense and is directly contradicted by canon statements and demonstrations of powers and abilities all the fucking time.

And I'm not talking one off feats either.

What are the most egregious examples of power grid directly contradicting the canon statements?

Considering Blake is a surgeon, can we explain this storyline by having Donald accidentaly using asgardian tech knowdlege to build this bot ?