Was chad still being a KND operative an asspull or did it make sense?

Was chad still being a KND operative an asspull or did it make sense?

Attached: chad.png (1421x1071, 1.57M)

I mean, it sorta explains why the guy who was supposed to be the best operative kept failing as soon as he “defected”

Made sense to me. As mentioned, he was one of the best so him constantly jobbing to Sector V yet conveniently getting away from certain catastrophes that fucked over everyone else (like the Zero Incident) makes sense

Most things in that show were asspules, but that's not always bad. If the show actually tried to take itself seriously then it would have been stupid. KND, however, was always about the ridiculous nature of a kid's imagination. For fuck sake, they had a giant treehouse base on the fucking moon. It is definitely an asspull with almost no build-up, but for a show like KND that is ok.

the whole show was a string of ass pulls, remember that in the first season 1-5 were the whole knd till the larger organization was retconned in.

This is not true. Global KND is referenced multiple times in season 1

it made sense, its not entirely clear that they were always writing him as that but they built up the idea of undercover teens and adults for a while before making him one and there are a few bits that make way more sense if he's a double agent even if they are inconsistencies that were originally more a result of changing lore than anything else


God it must suck being a secret KND operative.
>You still think like a kid but are forced to hang out with your antagonists all the time pretending to be something you hate
>can't do any kid things you'd actually enjoy or else you'll be suspected of being a spy
>All your fellow operatives will hate cause they'll still think your a teen or else you risk blowing your cover.
Who the fuck would sign up for this shit? Ignorance is bliss.

5th episode had number 30c, and episode ten introduced 274 and the other KND operatives.

It was weird that the teenagers were allies of the adults and enemies of the kids. You'd think they'd be working with the KND to overthrow the adults, since from what I've known, teenagers fucking hate grownups.

Maybe they should have been a third faction. But a 3 faction system was probably too complicated for the kids watching.

I've said this too, teenagers tend to hate adults and just find children annoying. Teenagers being a third, wildcard faction woulda been fun

Eh, maybe. He was one of my favorite KND before he became a traitor. And after that he became a joke, so the moment they introduced the idea of teen secret operatives i latched onto that shit and didnt let go

Season 1 had Operation CHAD where his parents were taking down operatives all around the world


>who would sign up for this?
People who wanna fight back against adults that rule over you using cool gadgets made of random junk? Pretty much every kid at this age

This show made me have a depressive episode at 13 because the show made it seem like it was all downhill from here


Was Lizzie being a plant alien an asspull?

Only way they could possibly fix it is with the cliche "falling in love for real with the person you had to pretend to be in love with" thing.
At least, that's what I think.

It seems like that when you’ve been a teenager, but from a kid’s perspective it makes sense. Teens have more adult privileges and interests, and they often hate “kiddie” stuff

Teenagers want to be adults because they see it as freedom to do whatever they want.
They don't understand the responsibility of adulthood.