How come LOSH never took off the same way Teen Titans did?

How come LOSH never took off the same way Teen Titans did?

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Never knew this existed until right now.

From random screenshots alone I'm pretty sure it's a character design problem

Attached: gallery_LOSH_05_5eea7bbd41c2e7.76346334.jpg (1920x1080, 324.22K)

Made for a Saturday morning cartoon block when people stopped caring about Saturday morning cartoons.

its the same Character Designer

Superman gave kids the ick. Just made it seem uncool. The LOS just didn't seem as cool as the titans either.

Okay now I vaguely remember it

They did, back in the 70s. Famously took over Adventure comics from Superboy. As for the cartoon, no idea. Probably a combination of being on The WB, being a SatAM right when they were starting to die out, poor executive decisions, etc.

Because the LOS are the lamest superheroes in existence.

>No batkek, No watch

Attached: d0c.png (600x617, 431.77K)

>No Batchad
>no watch

Attached: Batman Arkham Knight.jpg (970x546, 131.39K)

Not saying much, Teen Titans only had about ten good looking characters

... Really, Boco? I swear, it's like you have shit opinions on purpose. Shut the fuck up. Damn.

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Yes sir...


Attached: Phantom Girl Phantom Zone.jpg (1000x1294, 290.44K)

A combination of it being on a lesser-watched channel, lasting only two seasons before Kids WB was shut down, and lack of recognizable characters beyond Superman.

Remember when WB said too many girls were watching, so they put the female MC in a coma for season 2?

It aired literally once a week at like 6 am. It would have been as popular as Teen Titans if it has been airing on CN after school.

Yeah, Lightning Lad being alone with comatose Saturn Girl made me feel funny.

>character design

brainlet take

Yeah, and they also cucked Bouncing Boy out of his role as leader because kids didn't like him that much. Also, we missed out on the Galactic President Alexis Luthor story they were planning.

Wait why