
Dad of the year?

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Get fucked Quigley, you deserve it

rip Uaid

I wonder if this is confirmation of the theory that part of Vienne was in Uaid

Thank god, I was expecting Matty to be way worse. At least he's still got a mouth so he can tell his dad to fuck off.

I knew he wouldn't die, if only because Quig would have killed himself too.

>tfw you fail your little brother

Matty will assplode when the time is right.

The time was not right.

>Uaid's hand shielding Matty
He saved him ;_;

say what you will about Quigley but I respect him more after this page. I think he's wrong about not loving his son

If only I could bring myself to care about the Quiqs

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so now what
are they finally going to sharteshane?

Everyone is about to go with the Crescians, either willingly or unwillingly.

i think crease, gangs all outta fight and the laws arrived fresh and ready to rock

More like shittin' in pain
No, they won't be able to outrun Cresce this time, though I don't think the Queen will have any intention of harming Quigley, especially with their bootleg field spreader technology figured out

user how have you remained unaware that we're finally going to Alderode? Be excited! (this cast isn't going back to Sharteshane)

nah I'm talking quigley and matty specifically
if anybody is absolutely 100% not going to alderode it's them

I assumed as much from the flashbacks. The most recent one we saw showed Quigley giving up on Matty but as we know he's still around. My guess is he had second thoughts, realized he was wrong, and predictably arrived too late. I'm expecting a follow up to the memory we saw in Uaid's eye where Quigley bursts in guns blazing.

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Doesn't make it hurt any less

If I remember correctly, he found Matty blind in the ruins of the forge after the torturers had left, then strapped him on his back in a suicide by cop to get Uaid back from the local depot.

Only he killed all the "cops"

>Vienne lifting up Matty's hands to grab whole of Chitz

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Unrelated question. Do two toes have their own version of black tongues or a tittybird cult? The ones who tried to remove the soul graft from Prakhuta wore crow paraphernalia

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Two-toes worship the senet beasts as gods, Ilganyag was one of their big ones in the past but betrayed them. Presumably some still worship her despite this, some gods are just dicks you know?

Black Tongues are currently making a memory cut mashine. More Cresce suffering.

Real question is, what hair color will Matty have next chapter?