Comic Book YouTubers

Do you watch any?
The big ones are guys that literally just read out the story to you
Next level down are guys that do comic book history

Feeling down on account of one of the guys I watched becoming "a full time YouTuber", he just had his first RAID SHADOW LEGENDS sponsorship and reviewed "the worst comic book ever, so bad you won't believe it!"

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Only ones I watch are ComicTropes, Variant Comics, Owen Likes Comics, Panels to Pixels (occasionally), Smokey’s Videos, and Comic Drake.

No, and I implore you not to.

Earl Grey, Strip Panel Naked, Cartoonists Kayfabe, and Strange Brain Parts are the only good ones from what I can tell

Almost none of them. I sometimes come with expectations, but I always leave disappointed. I prefer small youtubers who have different opinions. I personally prefer blogs and forums

He never got his jacket back from those Trump supporters

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Were you too hurt by his Raid Shadow Legends sponsorship? He seemed like a pretty genuine guy but seeing him shill that game to me filled me with disgust

I like this guy, hes well researched. his camera has been shitty the past few vids though

>Cartoonists Kayfabe

MOre like Cartoonist GAYfabe, amirite? Because Piskor sucks.

All e-celebs are idiotic, vapid attention whores akin to tripfags. No exceptions.
All e-celeb gossippers and worshippers are intellectually regressive troglodytes who are completely incapable of formulating their own opinions and absolutely no different from the hordes of drooling, braindead normalfags who gawk at the latest supermarket tabloid. No exceptions.
All e-celeb threads are cancer that must be reported as soon as possible and as much as possible for breaking Global Rule 11 and for being off topic. No exceptions.

I like his "unscripted" style.
I like OwenLikesComics,Smokey and others but his style really conmects with me and he does great research

I also like how it's clear he grew up watching Linkara or NC on the way he does his sketches or build his vids
Idk it's kinda charming

He's just become Linkara

I actually like Comic Tropes because he isn't a lolcow and I like the Kayfabe boys because they over as fuck with me brother HH

>I like this guy, hes well researched
He cried for Punisher’s logo change on twitter 2 years ago for the same stupid reasons of "it lost its meaning", he is not well researched if feelings can cloud his mind like that.

I've watched some videos from comic tropes they seem well researched but I find the guys delivery kinda plain. I have watched some comic pop videos and they are hit or miss for me and I absolutely despise that comicstorian dude

Depressed guy who wanted Punisher’s logo to change for the same stupid reasons as all political deranged twitter fags.
>Comic Drake.
Literal cuckold who said Iceman becoming gay was great and well handled, and last year said everyone who disliked the animated version of Amber in Invincible was a racist.

e-celebs are trash no matter what.

>the guys delivery kinda plain.
Yeah, I'm surprised he found success

>but I find the guys delivery kinda plain
The man admittedly has dealt with depression, doesn’t seem like someone who can be more upbeat.

WTF? I like Comictropes now!

Personally I enjoy Comic Pop, since at least their version of reading the story of you comes with the added commentary from people who aren't as huge of comic nerds as Sal. They're pretty easy listening so I just throw them on as a podcast while I'm cleaning up at work. Decent mix of humor and history rolled up into one, but I don't worship the ground the group walks on.

Hi Jim

Agreed. I find those videos with the other two dudes who are not really comic fans entertaining bc of the interactions rather than the comic content. The problem with the channel is that it's driven by views to the extent they admittedly have to either do batman or spiderman all the time so they mostly do. I can't really stand sal on other videos/podcasts though

I only see comics explained, he is literally the only guy with a decent voice who actually adds context to the stories instead of just reading the fucking comic like all the other youtubers

Man be glad you've never seen the spanish speaking comic youtubers
>Shit audio
>Shit at reading
>Barely knows anything about comic boks
>Struggle to say the name of some characters
>Eventually all of them give up and just talk about MCU rumors, but they always keep an audience because there's a lot of latinos that will never learn english so those youtubers are their only choice

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welcome to atop the fourth wall

where bad comics burn

Hola user hora de ver mi 5638vo video sobre una reedición de watchmen de ovnipess

>Man be glad you've never seen the spanish speaking comic youtubers
i only know gatto comics, who's meh, and proyect chaos, who's alright.