I wish i had a childhood like peanuts

i wish i had a childhood like peanuts

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>I wish I had depression
Uh... Ok?

not all of them are depressed

Which one isn't?

We all had a childhood like Peanuts. Fortunately, most of us have managed to forget it.

Same but for hey arnold

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Lucy. She depresses others but nothing gets her down.
Schroeder seems happy.
And Snoopy is contented -- except when he wallows in his memories of the Great War.

i wish i had a childhood i can't remember anything but playing vidya and watching cartoons, i hate being born in the 2000's


I came to post something really similar. I can't think of anything I really did as a child. I don't have too many memorable moments from childhood. I had barely any friends and I never really bonded with my family. I just went to school, didn't talk to anyone, and came home, and didn't talk to anyone. I think I've completely failed to live any kind of life at all so far.

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the worst part is that it wasn't even good cartoons, i was a child during the sanjay and craig/fanboy and chum chum era and when cartoons started to get good again with regular show and adventure-time, everyone made fun of me for still watching cartoons, even if I was 11/12 at the time. I hate my generation and their need to feel superior/more mature.

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>everyone made fun of me for still watching cartoons, even if I was 11/12 at the time.
This happened to me and I'm 29 now, it's not just a zoomer thing.

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I'm a 2001 zoomer and every time I hear people talk about my generation here I feel genuine pain because everything they say about my generation and the things we like is completely 100% correct and I feel genuine shame and disappointment over how utterly mindwashed and braindead people my age are and how horribly predatory and psychopathic they act towards one another.
I'm no joke, literally a boomer trapped in a zoomers body. I rarely watch anything new because none of it excites me and looks like colorful CGI horrors beyond man's comprehension rainbow barf, I exclusively only watch stuff from the 1960's/1990's because it's genuinely fun escapism and will have interesting stories to tell with thought provoking ideas and philosophies with different sides that have different feelings, while stuff from today is purely constructed for people who grew up with post 9/11 fear porn and is so fucking conceptually neutered trying to hammer some sort of message in because it's trying to advertise itself to people who are lucidly aware of the fact that we're economically fucked up the ass and have nothing other than thinly veiled political messages in the programming we watch to look towards.

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>TFW most of my cherished childhood memories are of me talking to my star wars figures and watching cartoons
I never had alot of friends as a kid
>I'm no joke, literally a boomer trapped in a zoomers body.
Me too man. I fucking hate performative activist millennials and most of the shit i love is boomer properties

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Me too, instead I had a childhood like The Inbetweeners.

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I do feel like not being able to experience a world without the internet or cell phones is not fair. I'm sorry.

>intense social anxiety; maybe probably autistic but I don't want to open that can of worms
>never had any friends, only ever acquaintances that would tolerate my presence at recess/lunch
>basically left to my own devices at school and at home, no adults ever pushed me to do anything or change my ways, just shout at me about bad grades
>life was a cycle of weathering the school day and making the most of my free time before being forced to sleep so I could go to school again
>beeline to the family computer, slow as fuck and shitty specs but it doesn't matter
>never do my homework and would piss off my mom staying in the living room far past my bedtime(sleep just meant I had to wake up and go to school); making my parents or teachers angry didn't matter, just more shit to weather before I can relax
>countless hours into video games, reddit, tumblr, youtube
>spent nearly all of my (sentient)childhood behind a screen seeking instant gratification
>just chalked it up to being a computer nerd, but those years never made me an expert on internet or electronics, I was just addicted to the screen before people knew you could be
>spent my most curious, open-minded, energetic, irresponsible, able-bodied, mentally immortal, truly free years doing absolutely fucking nothing and making no memories and gaining no experiences
>there are teenagers who are better at my interests than I am, and preteens with more passion for them than I do even now
>I am a prodigal son
sorry for the blogpost. I know nobody cares. But this has been on my mind a lot recently and I thought it would be relevant to share.

I wish I had the romanticism and freedom of a 1960s childhood, but I do not wish I lived in the 1960s on a regular basis or had a Peanuts childhood. Thankfully, as an adult, I get to do what I want.

while i do dislike everything being political nowadays, i do love most modern cartoons. But i hate not being able to experience fandoms that didn't try to cancel you for drawing a black character in a pastel palette or
drawing lewds of the 17 years and 364 days old character with huge tits. You can't enjoy ANYTHING nowadays withuout it turning into a political discourse, you are trapped between lefties that belive every character is non binary demisexual deerkin or extreme right-wingers that consider the female character with short hair to be some woke conspiracy to make all womyn feminists. It's all very tiresome indeed.

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all you have to do is refuse to apologize

the second you render yourself above peer pressure is the second you render yourself immune to all the common cancel culture tactics. they don't want you to know this and they don't want people growing their own backbones.