This line of thinking not only killed the MCU but, the entire entertainment industry in general

This line of thinking not only killed the MCU but, the entire entertainment industry in general.

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>one man just had a near death experience and is coping with that in his usual method; humor.
>another man is dying and just yeeted the smug jackass who stabbed him.

Ask me how I know you think you're smarter than you are.

They actually played Harry's death for laughs

I don't mind comedy, but holy shit, they really time it poorly in the MCU. Breaks every ounce of build-up they've built until that point.

Deflating emotional scenes with jokes is bad writing. Joss Whedon is the worst writer in history.

Said man coping with his near death experience has also already been awake for several minutes trying to get his bearings back. Muh emotional moment had been over long before he made that "joke". OP is a disingenuous, joyless nigger.

>It's the MCU's fault because it's popular

So you are telling me that after watching a massacre, people in real life tend to make jokes about killing people? Fuck right off, it doesn't make characters endearing, it makes them look dumb and unempathetic. If you want to take away depth from a character, make them a silly joker in every single moment and let all serious scenes turn to dust. Thing with the MCU is that I could list you ten characters who quip all the time because every character feels the same at this point. If everyone is funny, nobody is.

Typical that an MCU Stan would value something by its box office numbers.

>So you are telling me that after watching a massacre, people in real life tend to make jokes about killing people?

Right? Why do these faggots need to say a one-liner every 10 seconds.

OP is complaining about people copying the MCU's style retard

>killed the entertainment industry in general
is that why they still make movies and shows to this day?

I want to know what country these people live in that they don't crack jokes at funerals. I want to know which soldiers they know that weren't constantly cracking jokes in a warzone

I thought that's what comedy is about? To untense the crowd after putting them through drama so they can get all spun up again for the climax.

Fuck even A New Hope did that.
>Obi Wan dies
>Luke is sad and mopey that he's gone
>Has to fight off a swarm of TIE fighters, and there is an elation from getting away
I thought that was a basic form of theater to keep the audience from getting too worn out before the third act

This doesn't happen, the fact you need this much hyperbole to make a point proves you are just being contrarian and struggling to form an actual opinion so you can complain about the MCU. Try again please

>Adding a joke to a scene that is getting too serious and dark prevents the movie from getting too grim.
Aww; you don't want to make those sensitive manchildren cry, right? How dare they experience any form of sincerity.

> Character dies.

> Five minutes later his "friends" are back to cracking jokes.

>"No u"

I've always felt there's a certain callousness about having something tragic happen, then in a matter of minutes no one gives a fuck.

Star Wars was proto-capeshit. It created a Generation X of manchildren who destroyed cinema.

Even Nolan understood the need of having characters cope with difficult moments through humor.
OP is probably just a Snydercultist who thinks maturity equals the characters being miserable all the time with sticks jammed up their asses.

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