Why didn't Ra just breed with Ruh and Talia to keep the bloodline pure?

Attached: Hot Mother Soul.jpg (651x680, 109.06K)

Nyssa was a lesbian

Incest, as with masturbation, doesn't exist in the DC Universe.

Nyssa had a husband and a family

He’s not into brown chicks

She became lesbian after they died though.

>Goes through the holocaust
>Becomes lesbian
What did DC mean by this?

GTFO back to Any Forums, she is only a lesbian in the shitty Arrow show. Just goes to show again that this place doesn't read comics.

Comic Nyssa is barely a character to be fair. Outside her origin story, she showed up a couple of times in Cass book and then got unceremoniously killed by Cassandra so she could take over the league

Um, no you’re wrong. Nyssa was a lesbian in the comics first.
Greg Rucka wrote her as a lesbian after her family died in world war 2.

Lol. She was a lesbian in comics first you dumbass.
Looks like you’re the one that needs to read comics user.

I remember when Talia was hot and white

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That hapa, not white

Now that you are just making up shit. You didn't read Death and the Maidens and you are just using the Arrow wiki for your info and got caught. Again go fuck back to Any Forums.

Not as hot as the bloodthirsty orientalist harem girl she's become. Die mad.

Because Ra’s isn’t racist with obsession about genealogy and bloodline purity.

This. Ra's only cares about your being able and fit for survival, not about your race or bloodline. He mostly hires Middle Easterns because that's where he built his empire and because they are more likely to follow him.

>Greg Rucka wrote her as a lesbian
Of course that faggot would do something like that.

Infinite Frontiers dresses her really slutty for some reason

Attached: Infinite Talia.jpg (640x639, 184.22K)

She’s always been a slut. An elegant one, but a slut none the less.

Sure, but I'm surprising DC hasn't tried to cover her up