Cartoon & Reality

Have cartoons changed the way we view reality? There are some cartoons that feel too real to exist.

Attached: fry loves onuki.png (800x617, 158.53K)

Proportionately, did forums tend to have more mentally ill posters than imageboards?

I believe in anti-natalism and bought a gun after I watched hellboy

Homie needs some serious help.

Attached: 55xcb3gwsli71.png (640x480, 240.34K)

Attached: cartoon characters have souls.png (800x1063, 284.73K)

Attached: onuki fry fantasy.png (800x490, 86.16K)

Jesus Christ. Are these forums still active? I got to know if this dude is still alive.

Attached: 1636801423897.png (660x751, 565.56K)

He's banned unfortunately because he uploaded a video of him plowing some Fry doll/pillow

Wait was he the black guy with walking on sunshine playing in the background?


Attached: 1562473759951.jpg (480x480, 20.46K)


I am glad I can canalize my husbandofaggotry in my drawings instead of writing these schizopostings.

Not only that, there was some other guy who wanted to create Bender in real life and would often save images of Bender being "adorable" in his folder.
He got banned for a different reason though, that is he got banned because he asked for a Bender body pillow.

Well I guess there's enough room in the world for weirdos banging fryllows
I wonder if that counts as cheating

Quite the opposite. 'tism this intense with no effort made to hide power level was an outlier in the heyday of forums but would be completely unsurprising, expected even, here today.

Here's the image.

Attached: little bender things.png (662x99, 14.5K)

Complete and deranged autism.

So they were common in forums right?

i don't get it, why is he wanting to get a dakimakura of his husbando was ban-worthy but not this kind of unhinged schizophrenia?


>black guy with walking on sunshine playing in the background?
I'm confused