Does early swans but 2 years earlier and better

>does early swans but 2 years earlier and better

Attached: damaged.jpg (1600x1600, 432.61K)

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This is not no wave or sludge

good album

no wave is a scene not a genre and black flag are considered a major progenitor of sludge. also i've never heard anyone call swans sludge
either way damaged i sounds like the blueprint for swans' entire early career

What I see song on the damaged album is like speed sludge with the bass

This sounds pathetically weak compared to Filth, let alone Cop. Never understood the appeal of Punk honestly.

What is the Swans equivalent of TV Party

black flag kinda sucks. their only good album is my war. regardless, damaged does not sound anything like swans.

and Filth and Cop sound weak compared to virtually any metal album released after 1986 lol, what the fuck are you talking about? You realize that hardcore and no wave are two different sounds with different appeals, right? Or are you just a retarded tastelet who thinks that they're a genius for listening to early Swans instead of old hardcore?

>does swans but authentic
>does swans but not art school trust fund
>does swans but good

Damaged doesn't sound like early swans at all. It's punk rock

>You realize that hardcore and no wave are two different sounds with different appeals, right?
Why is the OP comparing them then

Because he's retarded

They existed the same time as The Swans technically

the state of this board


the song "damaged i" sounds exactly like early swans, not the full album
don't say it doesn't because it clearly does and anyone with ears can hear it

3 minute song doesn't mean shit. It's one fucking song and you're saying they do early swans better. You're not as smart as you think

Rollins was an actual strong hard dude who watched his best friend get shot in the head and made heavy loud aggressive music because that's how he felt inside
Gira was a skinny twink who had to make up a fake story about him being in an Israeli prison for people to take him seriously and probably wrote "be strong flex your muscles" as some kind of critique of toxic masculinity

I tried to listen to Filth and by the end of the first song I said fuck this. It sounded like if you took Rollins Band and subtracted the music and any understanding of angry music, so what you're left with is some strange empty nothing-imitation of heavy music while some faggot tries his hardest to sound tough screaming gay shit like "flex your muscles". I legit can't wrap my head around how some can psyop themselves into thinking that shit is powerful or heavy or even just good. Worst shit ever.

Filtered sadly many cases