Better than Black Country New Road (not a high bar though)

Better than Black Country New Road (not a high bar though)

Attached: nervous condition.jpg (550x550, 89.19K)

The singer was the next Mark E Smith frfr

metal aside
why all these new white bands look so tamed?

The bands that get signed are the least controversial. It's easier to market S o i than testosterone

Why would I ever listen to music made by people who look like this? I hate this shit so much it’s like ahhhhh

They all have the tory phenotype

>Waaaaaaah I don't like how they dress with their plain clothes you can buy in every store
Grow up

It’s rock music ffs, these guys look like male feminists

the more affluent and succesful phenotype? i doubt they mind

They’ll never be cool do they mind that?

Yeah and the other guy says they look like tories, which is it?
I don't see what you mean at all, is it perhaps because they're younger than you? More attractive than you? In a successful band unlike you? I'm not trying to defend their music but I don't see how these superficial remarks are deserved, they look like any other fucking kid in a college campus, criticise their music
Also, do you listen to old Post-punk by any chance?

Why are they all so fucking pretentious? I mean all this scene

They look like rich kids with no life experiences

No one needs 8 official members

Art kids when talentless are undiable pretentious
Lightning Bolt is also an art school band and you won't ever see them doing this bullshit

>in every store
I guarantee you those are 200+ GBP knits and brand name jackets.

They literally look like grandpa clothes and a bunch of trenchcoats which actually look a bit expensive

This is Any Forums's favorite band

Attached: black_country_new_road_mercury_2021.jpg (2000x1270, 288.85K)

they look like they're insufferable people

>le random forced meme schtick
This guy's are so lame, as a seasoned zoomer, I declare this as certified cringe

which one's the coomer?