I just feel sorry for non-Beatles chads imagine not being able to appreciate the greatest music ever recorded because...

I just feel sorry for non-Beatles chads imagine not being able to appreciate the greatest music ever recorded because you’ve got some weird gay ideas in your head. They just don’t know how to listen to music. Sad.

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agreed fellow redditor!

Beatles are like the opposite of Reddit. Reddit is Metallica and Pink Floyd

i had the exact same thoughts while browsing reddit this morning good sir!

You should be shot

There’s nothing more Reddit than making Reddit jokes. KYS faggot that’s where you belong they

pretty much all rock and popular music is reddit incarnate

People who hate The Beatles almost always do so for ideological reasons rather than their actual music. I wouldn't say they are the greatest of all time or anything close, and I can see how their insane popularity could turn some people off, but they've written a lot of great songs.

this post really triggered the redditors

The Beatles are pretty good but I could never get into them cause they sound low energy and milquetoast compared to the other dadrock bands from the 60s. Their music lacks balls.

Because you're low test, you need to compensate. What a shit existence.

The Beatles are objectively good

definitely, especially if you're gay or a zoomer (what's the difference)

ackshually sweaty i'm medically verified to have higher test than 95% of the population. it's natural for us high-test folk to seek out music on our same wavelength

Nice reddit humor, boy. What an embarrassment.

There’s no difference between popular music and any other kinda music. This is just pretentious hipster douchebag nonsense. If you like a jazz record you like it because you dig the vibe, same with classical same with popular music that’s it. Acting there’s some special music that only intelligent people is just nonsense. I like Coltrane, I like Mozart the Beatles were better

wtf how are they floating?

i wasn't joking, soiboi

through the energy of reddit

Please stop before you really shit the bed.

There is nothing more gay than calling someone a faggot

This isnt really worth responding to but like there the most energetic music in history that’s a large part of why there so good. There music never fucking stops it’s so quick