The zoomers are discovering The Smiths

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-09-09 at 11.36.37 AM.png (748x292, 27.4K)

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Now they can apply for Mexican citizenship

not true, zoomers don't use

the smiths have been zoomercore since last year

This thread was made by a 20-something year old who refuses to accept that he himself is a zoomer

What's the starting year for Gen Z


The Smiths are basic zoomercore retard

I guess I am a zoomer :(

quick tell zoomers that MorriSSey is a racist

He's queer tho

all nazis are gay, thats why they so angry

Was about to say this. They are all slaves to spotify.

Based user


This is a good thing, finally zoomers will listen to some good fucking music for a change

They can keep them.

Damn I stand corrected. Unless this is really a bunch of people my age listening to this but I hope not.

I unironically listened to The Smiths for the first time today, because of the Queen's death

A more boring The Cure. Nothing special

I listened to them for the first today because of the Queen and I liked it
