Before you go stream that song by the Smiths...

Before you go stream that song by the Smiths, remember that Morrissey has been going increasingly fash and maybe you don't want to line his pockets.

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He is fascist, racist and neo-Nazi. I'm ordering his back catalogue on vinyl right now.

>Simpsons writers devoted an entire episode to how triggered they are by Morrissey



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It was good because it's politically incorrect but it sucks they only do it to ''public enemies'' they would never do it to biden

doesn't matter if he's fash, the queen is fucking dead

>remember that Morrissey has been going increasingly fash
Good. Accelerate.

Go to soulseek retards

people don't actually unironically watch the simpsons still... hahaha...


It's still very popular overseas, especially in Central and South America.

>going increasingly fash
>hates Trump and wore 'Fuck Trump' shirts on stage
He's obviously far from fash.

Liberals are fighting themselves

>Trump is a fashist
the absolute state of political discourse
Christ this is sad, what happened to the Simpsons?
They were pretty funny for a while

Get on my level

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Thanks for the recommendation

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billions will die
they will all look like u

All the good writers left after season 8 or 9

but the rest of the band does fuck off.

>no you can't do an episode on a very famous 80s band! you are the one triggered not me!
I think its hilarious that Morrissey always tells people to speak their minds and then gets triggered whenever someone talks about/portrays him in a way he doesn't like

I'm already doing it

Attached: Morrissey.jpg (1694x1130, 812.39K)

FYI comedy only works when it's funny. Otherwise it just comes off as whining.

No, it just comes off as bad comedy. They don't give a shit about Morrissey, you can tell by how little research they did about him (eating meat and being fat)

Lisa is a writer mouthpiece to spew their beliefs, she hasn't been used for actual comedy since the 90s. When she's the main character, it's a propaganda episode. Simple as