
Yukkuri edition

Attached: cryme.jpg (850x850, 143.18K)

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>*JRPG video game boss battle music starts playing*
>*shitty ten minute keyboard solo*
>*shitty boomer guitar solo*
>*ragtime piano starts playing*
>*album ends*
wow, truly the GOAT band. Thank you Emerson, Lake, and Palmer for your truly groundbreaking """"music""""

Attached: Emerson,_Lake_&_Palmer_-_Tarkus_(1971)_front_cover.jpg (300x300, 146.86K)

absolutely pozzed. no idea what that means but im deciding it means this

delet this

Not a crossover I ever expected in a million years, but I'm glad this image exists

I dislike ELP for the singular reason that they refused to use a Mellotron on the grounds that it was "using recordings of other people playing instead of real instruments". That was a stupid take in 1970 and it's a stupid take today.

Chicago is proggo, and I don't care what anyone says

Blessed image
Love chicago but that is some crunchy audio

It's a genius album in the way that it moves between tones and moods desu. Something really transcendent about that.

The steven wilson remix is great, one of his best imo

They were indeed boomers,but it's still interesting nonetheless.

All of their contemporaries were boomers too, but none of them were that snobby about it.

As a side note, I find it extremely hilarious that 50 years ago there were people who said "imagine playing a Mellotron when you could instead hire REAL musicians", and nowadays there are people saying shit like "imagine using inauthentic digital recreations when you could instead play a REAL Mellotron". The irony is astounding.

Lots of Prog was incredibly snobby. Would love you to prove otherwise. You're right about the second part though.

I'm sure plenty of other prog musicians were snobby about other things, I was just referring to this one issue in particular, because it seemed especially ridiculous to me

I need more jazzy epic eclectic prog rock like black midi, The Mars Volta, Closure in Moscow, Twin Pyramid Complex, etc pls
From what I have heard of TMV's new shit, it's not going to scratch that itch exactly as their previous material

Forgive me for continuing to push Chicago ITT, but I feel like they're applicable here. They had an unusually populist vision of prog rock that was complex and dense but also groovy and rocking enough to be enjoyed as good time music, and there was a lot of excitement and kinetic energy in their live shows which was a big contrast to the more stoic, brooding British bands. It was a uniquely American take on jazz-prog that borrowed from the jam band tradition rather than the neoclassical "art music" tradition of European prog. Nothing about their earliest albums feels snobby or pompous, rather you often get a sense of honest, exuberant love for creating and playing music as an ensemble that I find totally infectious and draws me back into that initial trilogy of records every so often (like right now).

That's kinda how I feel about Rush, honestly. If you've ever seen any interviews with any of them, they're like the least snobby and pretentious people in existence. Just a group of good friends having fun and making music they love.

Definitely that too. Rush was my gateway drug into prog.

I don't know if it's what you're looking for but I just want an excuse to post National Health

Genesis were mine. I think most of those guys were pretty unpretentious, but Tony Banks has enough snobbery for all of them, unfortunately

If you think Chicago are Prog you're fucking retarded,no apologies will be made for this statement. Go back to being an incel someplace else.

The Neoclassical Art Tradition Part combined with the keys and loopy odd time signatures are what makes it prog. Chicago are basically muzak. Krautrock is prettymuch prog though.