Wonders why their music career isn't taking off

>wonders why their music career isn't taking off
>isn't involved in their local scene

You only have yourself to blame.

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fuck that, there is no local scene
>expecting to have a career in music
I think that's more the problem
also this isn't the 90s anymore, plenty of people are famous without performing live at all

>plenty of people are famous without performing live at all
Name three.

...you can't think of anyone internet famous? you get a following now on social media, not in shitty clubs

I thought Henry Rollins gave up music for acting, podcasts, writing, and spoken word/comedy tours.

redirects here whenever I try to make a thread, weird

fate has brought you here, friend

Name three.

God wants you to support your local scene.

he gave up music for more gay sex

I dunno, maybe start with any three vaporwave artists. How often do you think they perform?
to be honest I'd struggle to name three current artists who emerged in the last few years. I don't keep track of that shit at all.

And since you suck his dick and swallow his cum every night, you should know....

I wonder what its even like being in a band as a young man now and in some sort of a "scene". Back in my day when I was doing it we had Myspace and thats about it.

>doesn't even name three vaporwave artists
don't make points if you have no evidence


>vaporwave artists

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I'm pretty sure it counts as a music career whether or not you like it.

don't be a pedant when the point is self-evidently true


>music career

don't use words I used against you earlier when you clearly don't know what they mean

doesn't seem like you know what they mean
you have worms in your brain or something

back to english class you dalit

>going outside

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you first

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