Why did he steal music from black people?

Why did he steal music from black people?

Everyone knows black people invented music.

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He was an honorary black man

>boomers cried and shit their pants and called him satanic

Guitars were invented by a German-American, why did black people steal his invention for their jigaboo music?

So this is from your fap folder?

>Guitars were invented by a German-American

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Anyone who listens to this era of rock n roll knows elvis never copied anyone, he was inspired by black artists but clearly his music was something new.

Why would Google lie to me?

You didn't invent shit, cracka

t. Paco Montero

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Elvis was fucking awful and im sick of boomers pretending he’s not. Glad he’s dead desu

He stole some elements from Blue's mostly,which most of the early blues composers/Preformers etc are black that's just true.

Why is it stealing and not using elements of music that he likes for himself?

Because he doesn't write or create music, he's just a performer

Fair argument,I'm just explaining the idea in simplified terms ig. He used elements from Blue's in terms of scales and musical structure and also played a lot of blues standards even if he was obviously doing so through the lense of a country background and may not have been pretending to be black or attempting to appropriate etc etc. It's very hard to argue that Elvis wasn't at least influenced by The Blues although obviously he was also inspired by country which he probably grew up with as well as Hawaiian Music.

A lot of people simply dislike the idea of a White Southerner taking so much inspiration from Black Music to begin with due to the historical dynamic although Cash did the same thing but likely it isn't taken as poorly because he was never attempting to appeal to teenyboppers and also possibly some shared religious overtones like with Cashes interest in Native American Music whereas I think Elvis likely thought The Blues was cool because it was linked to Cocaine,Guns,and Liquor. Jerry Lee Louis is muchless talked about in a modern context likely because he was verymuch explicitly racist and although I can see how Elvis could be argued to have gotten rich partially off of the compositions of Black Composers I do not think this was an educated attempt at exploitation or that Elvis would have seen himself as doing such nor do I think Elvis would have ever directly disrespected these artists nor do I think in Elvises Mind that royalties we're really a thing,he probably just saw himself as playing good old down home standards and his ideas around copyright ownership etc were probably far mushier than areas. He married a teenager and nobody thought anything of it he verymuch did not have the same conceptualization of the world we do and probably his view of what racism was was to be part of The KKK or something. The world was a much harsher place. All sorts of rumors of shit he said but I think this was likely a result moreso of social disapproval as he toured with black artists and seemed to idolize a lot of elements from RnB as well. Elvis probably didn't have a concept like cultural appropriation to work off of and thought that if he was touring with said Blues and RnB Musicians and if his concept of rock was obviously directly inspired by them than it was fine. He was a White Southerner who loved country music but like with Stevie Ray and honestly a lot of Southern Rock he seems to have had a sort of glamorous view of genres like Soul,Blues,and Gospel as (cont)

Cash actually wrote his own music

Cont "the funny primitive music the kids like" which seems to be both how Stones and Clapton treated The Blues. It also sounds like Elvis may have viewed The Beatles and Stones as somehow "disrespectful" and his interest in said genres was based on some vauge sense of cultural patriotism but obviously a lot of white rock artists from all throughout last century did make some heavily anti black statements. Given that it was the 50s (he could have really got away with saying whatever he wanted) and that he toured with a lot of siad black artists it's more likely than not that he admired the blues,soul,and gospel, didn't really have a concept of cultural appropriation,and was simply adapting music he grew up with into forms he viewed as modern or cutting edge,which at the time were largely coming from Black Musicians and Composers. Also Elvis liked Cocaine so he might have thought that certain types of African American Music were cool in the same way many suburban white teenagers do. It's easy to see how a white southerner from a rural community who's into guns and cocaine in the 50s but lives relatively close to Memphis might have enjoyed both traditional predominantly white southern folk music and RnB simultaneously. He probably viewed Soul etc as more expressive than Pop etc which is generally true.

what he had is soul and thats rare in a white

I guess no generation existed before them huh

Sure but think how much of Country Music is basically just covers and that if the black artists who he was touring with were alright with him playing rock music how much really would a rural southerner in the 50s have else to go on. He probably didn't have an idea like "cultural appropriation" to begin with and just combined types of music he thought were cool.