What is your opinion on an artists breaking down into tears during a song recording...

what is your opinion on an artists breaking down into tears during a song recording? should they have kept the recording or have had him redo it? at what point is it an affront to professionalism?


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if singers arent on the verge of tears or a fit of rage it isnt real music

Ross Robinson bullied Davis in the studio to get that specific outcome

He did weird shit like that, he through potted plants at Slipknot to piss them off

so the entire first slipknot album is real music?

he sounds amazing

yeah except for spit it out and no life, corey can't rap

i guess its a good thing they are not rap songs and spit it out is excellent

Spit it out goes hard faggot

good thing I do not like real music ^_^

Thought this was going to be about Kendrick - U
Anyway I think it makes the music better. If they're screaming as well then even better

I always thought it sounded kind of forced.

>Jonathan: "Daddy! Daddy! That bad babysitter touched my tiny shota peepee!"
>Jonathan's dad: "Bullshit"
So sad...

>disregard for child well being
Yep, you're a pedophile.

Was she even hot?

Nah, but Korn III literally is.

idk about tears but I do know that I have been listening to a lot of bob dylan recently and there's an obscene amount of officially released songs of his where he just straight up starts laughing in the middle of talking/singing and it annoys the hell out of me. he's not even saying anything that funny and the tone of the song is sometimes even supposed to be serious (like on thin man) and they still don't record a different take!

Who cares? I'm sure many women were molested by attractive people. Hell, look at R. Kelly. In his prime he was considered a sex god among R&B singers and he was still a pedo who married Aaliyah at the age of 15, pissed on a 14 year old girl while having sex with her, and did human trafficking.

15 is almost legal

Ross Robinson put a sharpie inside of Johnathan Davis’s asshole to trigger repressed memories of his Mom & Dad so J Davis would cry for that take. Absolute studio wizardry.

album sucked honestly

slipknot's always been better

R Kelly always looked like the neighborhood hobo wearing a suit and jewelry he stole. He manipulated young naive teens to go along with his shenanigans.

R Kelly sex god? Wtf is wrong with you? He looks like a mugshot. He was into forced scat feeding and forced urine ingesting and human trafficking.

Is that why he's a stuck up?