would anyone join a discord for mkultra support group music discussion. it's hard as fuck to find discussion circles for this shit on the internet its basically been scrubbed off the face of the planet. not an incel just chronically depressed and enjoy no-fi punk rock.

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some people think they have been banned because they hold controversial and edgy opinions, or maybe it's that no one talks about it because it's shit with a very weak gimmick.

piss off kimjong

attracts lots of edgelords but i dont think the people who make this shit are actually hurting anyone

no, and i advise against it unless u do closed system. Becuz u will get infiltrated by hateful creatures.



better safe than sorry!

no u

lemme get that double function hopelessness pill

pass the discord

you sketchy

I like this entire scene but I don't understand discord lol and I don't really want to learn.

Can someone just make an internet forum or something?

Gezebelle and Shooter are young and thoughtful and getting better. They already write more thoughtful lyrics than most artists.

Unironically? Honestly? r/mkultrasupportgroup

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It’s not infiltration when they are invited

i guess, but i should elaborate i mean federal agents as main fear...but i don't know, i don't personally know this scene. All I know is that the very word "incel" is very criminally-charged at the moment and it would be ez to incriminate ppl/taint ppl for some media or political reason. And more ridiculous things have happened in the past...


you're not even an incel and you're trying to gatekeep actual incels in your incelcore discord. go fuck yourself fucking faggot

how do u know im not a voluntary cel