Oh no arcade fire sisters.. not like this

Oh no arcade fire sisters.. not like this

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Honestly regardless of the allegations, why would any self-respecting human choose to see Arcade Fire in the year of our lord 2022

glad to know due process has been thrown out the window and that allegations are now the law

Or foust for that matter. Never heard of him

this has been going on for years, have you been living under a rock? twitter court is now the norm.

putting my crew and band out of work so i can virtue signal

It's over...

there are no allegations
nothing illegal was done
post #metoo feminism added power dynamics in hookup culture as a cancellable offense
females are no longer allowed to fuck someone who has a higher status than them, thats it.

Yeah I'm really not understanding this. It isn't "great" but this doesn't even seem traumatic for the women involved. Just a bit uncomfortable, but consensual.

NOOOOOOO NOT *checks notes* FEIST!!!

>nooooo she should be forced to do the show, she can't just choose not to for any reason at all

the word 'allegations' doesnt mean shit. we should treat this shit like court and assume everyone is innocent til proven guilty

cancel culture has made it impossible to fuck anyone as a musician

shit like this is why I never feel bad whenever I hear about a roastie who got raped

Yep, also why you have bottom feeders on twitter grandstanding about consensual adult relationships that happen to have an age gap.

She should refund the money for the people that paid to see her. Not doing that is a cunt move

I'm sure those people can get refunds from the ticket seller
or maybe not, nobody gets a refund when kanye leaves a show after 15 minutes or whatever


Women are children.

I'll keep it simple for you chuds
A grown man having sex with a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD is fucking rape. Normal people do not do that.

you had to go to the other extreme.

Gatekeeper is a timeless bop banger, fr ngl


>aaaahhh they're being cancelled
>and by that I mean the show isn't actually cancelled, one of the other musicians just isn't going to play. Arcade fire isn't actually cancelled in any way.

get justifiably raped roastie

well now I'm convinced
you're right, feist should be forced to play the show

has anyone ever written a statement that wasn't annoying?
i dont care that she left the tour but after reading her statement i hate her

if it's legal and consensual, who cares? older women really seethe at this

This is why women don't deserve human rights. You give them an inch and they take a mile. They are incapable of behaving responsibly or taking accountability for their actions. They have no sense of morality, instead using the concept as a vehicle for petty power plays. The notion of selfless virtuous action is abhorrent to the woman, as in the mind of a woman every act is good only insofar as it betters her own position. Everyday a woman wakes up she thinks, "what can I get away with today? How much shit can I get away with without being punished?" As soon as a woman has the consequences of her actions brought to bear on her she will use every trick in her arsenal to escape punishment. She will cry and make herself the victim, she will accuse you of wrongdoing, she will distract with vague sociological justifications and hysterical attacks. The woman knows only provocation and emotional rhetoric, arguing with a woman on logical grounds is a pointless as doing so with a dog.

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Lol, grow a pair

when your excuse to leave are unproven allegations, then she should be forced to take a beating

most men would love the opportunity to fuck 20 year olds like in their younger days

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she literally doesn't need any excuse to leave at all