What is the evolutionary purpose of music?

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same reason animals make music, mating ritual

Order out of chaos. To survive we need certain traits. Repeating patterns create positive feedback loop. The individuals who dance to the tune of life better have a better chance of surviving. Our love for music is an outward expression of our instinct to conform to a regularised lifestyle. Music is used as an affirmation of how successful we are at living in a chaotic world.

Ritualized mating ceremonies based upon lunar cycles helped tribes grow, defend themselves, and prosper.

What is the evolutionary purpose of me making experimental microtonal electronic music?

heheheh cute pic. caught me by suprise


yeah it probably started with this

To serve the higher consciousness, although most idiots do it to look cool and get chicks

to sort out non-potential mates


To keep our morale up

if i had to guess i think a lot of the things mentioned in this thread feed into it together
another might be that as social creatures we evolved to detect emotion/nuance in speech and other sounds, and developed a sense of beauty, and music is like a manipulation of those two faculties

It's like the tail-end of the mouse utopia experiment. All grooming, no action.

appearing in fantano's

to orgasm

Should be asking what the metaphysical purpose of music is

pipe down einstein this is about fricken heckin BIOLOGY not the nerd stuff

>What is the evolutionary purpose of music?
A way of communicating to our tribes thru sound.

It's the only thing we have thats even remotly close to "heaven on earth" ,Music should be made to serve one purpose and that is to serve God