What if bjork death grips

what if bjork death grips

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i think you are mistaken

oh shit its true!!!

why would you go on the internet and tell lies

listen i suck at lying. if you think you are after me you got photos mixed up

i'm not after anyone wtf

What's wild is bjork slept with MC Ride and hardly anybody talks about it, everybody knows bjork loves black dudes.

i swear you're stalking me

do you have a single fact to back this up?
do you have a single fact to black this up?

i get called mutt alot so

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 9.26.16 PM.jpg (2128x1358, 347.65K)

i love ESLs

whats this move called?

niggas on the moon

i think that user from that screenshot spams bjork's stalker so its like a message im around that user's sight something something.

the effeminate art school student

everyone knows, do you think she just helped him for the sake of it? they hooked up.

seems like you're just fantasizing about bjork and/or ride. male and female artists are capable of working together without having sex

i dont like it anymore

whatever idk why you're so bothered by it.

i'm not bothered by it