Meet an extremely talented guitarist at local venue, perhaps the best I’ve seen in years

>meet an extremely talented guitarist at local venue, perhaps the best I’ve seen in years
>went to music school
>plays in a math rock band
>turns out we like a lot of the same bands
>invited me over to jam
>lives with his parents in a mansion
>has a home studio worth 10s of thousands
>produces for small acts
>dad is super involved and supportive of his musical endeavours

>be me
>grew up poor in retarded family
>self taught because parents refused to put me in lessons
>work full time physically demanding job too exhausted to dedicate hours to music after work
>make a fool of myself jamming with this guy
>look up every once in a while to see the frustration on his face
>never contacts me again to jam

Life isn’t fair bros

Attached: 723C6C86-01A6-4FC0-8133-63149BC01A09.jpg (2000x1270, 1.87M)

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Sometimes you just don't musically gel with someone. You being a poor untalented loser doesn't have anything to do with it.

cry cat emoji

you mean you can't practice a miserable 2 hours every day?

U got hopped up on nervous once u saw his digs
Couldn't play for shit
U think u can't do it? Then u can't...
Sunk just like that
This is
A real
Bad way to say
You're gay
And might as well
KYS today

No, it isnt.
That’s why God created noise rock

its okay user, he's making soulless wank and you have life experiences you can put into music that someone could actually relate to

Are you sure you didnt overreact to his face or something

It seems like I’m not making progress, this guy has been in lessons since childhood.
My fingers just can’t keep up, even after 5 years of 2-4 hour practice intervals, I started too late

garantee you don't practice 2 hours a day.

Like look at your phone with a guitar in your lap? read sheet music? tune and clean your guitar.

If you actually practice 2 hours a day you'd be an extreme outlier and post music pls.

OP you just gotta practice a tiny bit everyday and ur ahead of 50% of musicians lol

lmao...5 years of 2-4 hour sessions and your FINGERS are the problem? You are lying, practice poorly, or have terrible genetics.

why do you find it so unbelievable that someone could practice 2 hours a day?

15 minutes a day for 5 years would yield your FINGERS everything they need. Now as to your sense, mind, feel...These are different.
Lessons are lessons, many ppl take em and still suck. The ones who benefit PRACTICE on their own. And while it's better to have a guide so u can have feedback on yr can also be a negative if it's a bad match.
Anyway, you are very defeatist, and wish to simmer in resentment. U may do this, but u will only simmer cold as time goes. Until some demagogue heats u, as part of that cruel mass. Ah, how crass for some1 who wishes to make MUSIC.

How the fuck am I supposed to practice then? maaaaan fuck this, fuck ya’ll privileged ass white kids, fuck your yacht rock upper middle class dads who bought you rigs when you were 3, fuck you mediocre nepotism fags getting studio time for free, fuck you crabs in the bucket mentality ass poorfags too. Fuck everything I quit

>waaaaaaaah privilege waaaaaaaaah
shut the fuck up you fucking baby

lol it's very conceivable, it's just there's so many shit musicians in my scene who brag about practicing 4 hours a day and are way worse than me who practices about an hour a day. So I just don't believe anybody lol.

I will find that rich kid and give him a CHEQUE
For getting u out ^_^

>How the fuck am I supposed to practice then?
just fucking learn songs and play then along the recording until you can play them on time without fucking up.

fair enough. i began playing guitar in december and i am currently unemployed so i "practice" 4 hours a day but mostly it's 1h30 to 2 hours a day of actual practice, the remaining time i just dick around or write my own stuff.
i wish i could post my playing but i only record my riffs, never my practice sessions and it's currently night where i live so i can't record anything new.

>It seems like I’m not making progress, this guy has been in lessons since childhood
The guys that take lessons are the ones that never make progress. They may have studio chops, but do you want to be a studio legend or a real life rock guitarist?

Lessons and music school absolutely crush any hint of originality in your playing. Keep playing, you will go through plateaus naturally. Play out of them and you will reach better heights.

Do you think the jazz greats thought “oh now I will do a Mixolydian run”? No they played with their guts.

aha nice. Best of progress to you!

I would consider writting some of the best practice so it sounds like you were right and I was wrong.