This is how Metallica looked when they were writing master of puppets

This is how Metallica looked when they were writing master of puppets.

They literally look like zoomers.

How did they do it?

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No porn, vidya, or social media = boredom, which spurs creativity


Porn and videogames were a thing in 1986

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And now its more prominent, especially porn

Porn was in magazines lol. They had pictures from them stuck all over the walls when recording black album. You can see them in nothing else matters music video.

Come on, don't play dumb. Being surrounded 24/7 by a cloud of all the porn in the world, accessible by a pocket device you carry with you all the time. Makes sort of a difference. You know that. It's an addiction system put into the perfect delivery and transmission system for everything addiction.

>he thinks they did need to jerk off

They were but not to the level they are now.

their minds weren't rotten by niggery

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i mean, they were inspired by virtuosos and had stimulating lives. they weren't overloaded with mind numbing synthetic nigger noise and didn't live on tiktok

They don't look like typical zoomers, they just look young. Does the word zoomer literally just mean teenager or young person now to you dumbasses?

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god ulrich looked like such a fag


who the hell looks at porn on their phone?

>They literally look like zoomers.
I mean, they look young. do you think zoomers are the only people who have ever looked young?

i was old when i was a child

>They literally look like zoomers.
Yeah they were young

dubs confirm

What about those babies that look like old people?