Exposes zoomzooms to 80s music

>exposes zoomzooms to 80s music
nothing personal gramps

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80s revival came and went ten years ago kiddo.

Good, maybe then they can have some taste instead of shitting and pissing themselves over fake crap like rap rock and pop punk

>tip of the iceberg 80s shlock
Yeah kid, you really played us there

you know the sad part is that they're gonna listen to those songs and nothing else from those bands

inform me when a show is so lit to bring out You Dropped A Bomb On Me. Until then, I sleep.

>You Dropped A Bomb On Me
that song was in gta san andreas

I never really played that except when trying it out at a friend's every so often. But that's a millennial legacy game, I doubt the new generations really care about it.

Metallica is like one of the most popular metal band in existence sadly. I still doubt people got into metal because of that.

The character of Eddie and Doja lusting after his actor on IG certainly made publicly being into metal a bit more acceptable for the young.

ok but where's the thing that exposes zoomers to death grips

fuck, not the legendary underground band Metallica and the indie singer Katie Bush

Unfortunately it came 20 years ago and still hasn’t gone away. Pop

>somehow completely unaware of the whole vaporwave genre

What's the problem with this exactly? At worst they won't care but will routinely meme it for a few weeks. At best they might actually like it and check out the artists backcatalogue.

Why are so many boomers bothered that teenagers are listening to music that they listened to when they were a teenager?

taning out the aster bana calabaster sana sotu back toaurei

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>exposes millennials to 90s music
nothing personal gramps

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they havent even played depeche mode yet

Show that exposes zoomers to 70s prog rock when

>complain when zoomers listen to new music
>complain when zoomers listen to old music
why are you millennials so angry over everything we do