Why does Madonna refuse to retire?

Why does Madonna refuse to retire?

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not bad for a 90 year old, would bang

She's mentally ill, that would be considered rape and taking advantage.

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Bog queen

he song?

fucking kek, my thought as well.
Reminded me of some Junji Ito body horror shit

Because the debt will be called in if she does. Same with Bob Dylan.

does she really think she's fooling us into thinking she's 21 rather than 71?

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That right there, son, is a demon.

She became addicted to being on the spotlight
If only she had retired after confessions
Everything since has been SO shit that it has almost shit on her legacy completely

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It’s funny tho she’s almost 70 right

Literally no one on earth gives af about her anymore useless bimbo couple decent pop tunes uhhh who cares. McCartney’s 80 and the whole would lines up to suck his dick cause he’s actually talented and will be missed unlike this slut who only looked halfway decent when she had some curves for about 4 years

Her head looks swollen, like pics I've seen of bludgeoning victims.

bro she's 64 wtf is she doing acting like some zoomer egirl

he bought?

the real madonna died in 2005
this lizard can't fool me
i will be listening to ray of light now.

Not enough Bog pill