Literally Impossible

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It’s like 4/4 but instead of 1 2 3 4 you go 1 2 3 4 5.

But actually just play something simple in 4/4, leave a rest before you repeat and you’ll either feel it eventually or realise you aren’t cut out for mid wit tier music theory

First off, you are not getting serious about anything, much less Womens Periods. It is clear to me that you have never had sex, and you don't know what periods are, or how the human pussy operates. So let me drop some wisdom on you.

troll, but

5 is the 1 though

it's not a fraction. you're not dividing 5/4. you're literally just playing a bar with 5 pulses that can be divided into 10, 20, 40 etc instead of a bar with 4 pulses that can be divided into 8, 16, 32, etc.

They are QUARTER notes. 25%. You can't have 5 of them.
Go to the bank and ask for five quarters in exchange for a dollar and see what they say.

The thing about theory is that it doesn't all make mathematical sense. You just accept it.

I once drank five 5 hr energy drinks in 24 hours.

No 5 is the 5. 1 is the 1.

lmao is this bait
plz tell me this is bait
im gonna shit my pants

I don’t know how to help you I’ve never tutored the mentally handicapped sorry

5/4 equals 1.25, when you see that on sheet music it's just the composer's way of telling you to start playing 25% faster

Time signature only indicates number of beats in a bar not the tempo.

Is the problem that Americans refer to the notes as quarter/half/eighth notes etc?
5/4 just means 5 crotchets
5/2 would be 5 minims
5/1 is 5 semi-breves

3/4 is impossible as well. Every measure would be only 75% full so how could you even go to the next bar. You would literally play three notes and then have to stop forever. Kinda like the Ramones.

then it's 20%

It’s impossible to tell when Americans are trolling because they’re equally as retarded when they’re not

1/16th notes are known as tweedle-tweedle-tweedles

At this very moment on stage we have drummer A playing in 7/8, drummer B playing in 3/4, the bass playing in 3/4, the organ playing in 5/8, the tambourine playing in 3/4, and the alto sax blowing his nose