Decided to give them a go and honestly they are painfully average and monotone

Decided to give them a go and honestly they are painfully average and monotone.
Don't get the hype at all

Attached: uy2x74.jpg (700x467, 119.03K)

They're undeniably good. Imagine getting filtered by Oasis. Pleb.

exactly, they are good (average)
not worth the hype


filtered by waysis

embarrassing, go listen to Radiohead or somethin

that can literally be said ablut every music act in pop music.

Because they are biblical and you are a wanker

Oasis fans are literal NPCs. they just throw around the same five buzzwords. kinda like all Oasis songs are the same. it's so funny when Oasis fans talk about 'albums' - this album is great, this album is underrated, they shit the band on this album
Oasis don't have albums.
They don't even have songs.
They have one songs that somehow went on for 15 fucking years until it finally stopped
oh, i nearly forgot: the great working class heroes Oasis sold out to Labour and became Blairite stooges. Oasis fans don't like it when this is mentioned


oasis is only so known and renowned because oasis fans are obnoxious, loud, and have no damned decorum - much like their idol.

you were supposed to say 'student', retard
now you've messed up the programming

i just want them to stop pretending it's good (or even passable) music
i've never met a Bryan Adams or Bon Jovi fan who acted like that
Oasis are on the level of these artists, the shittiest, most milquetoast stadium rock band around

Oasis are fucking amazing and if your tiny brain can't understand the genius of Noel then you should go listen to your pissy little kids music like merzbow or bl*r or radiohead you fucking wanker.

Attached: oasis (1).jpg (2162x2162, 1.45M)

why don't you seethe a little harder over damon albarn creating gorillaz, a band that blows oasis out of the water with zero plausible competition

good call user
people should listen to other music instead of Oasis

OP here
What's there to understand? Everything sounds as the same ongoing pop rock song like this user described
What's so genius about it

Nothing to understand m8, is just rock n roll. As you were - LG x

Attached: 1643338893714.gif (400x178, 1.13M)

Definitely Maybe is an alright shoegaze album I suppose.

luv oasis
luv pulp
'ate blur

simple as that

unironically the production is ass
most of the songs even on the first 2 albums are boring jams
but the few good tunes are pop brilliance

Acquire some testosterone and then listen to them again. Either that or stick to Blur and Radiohead.

Oasis' throwaway B-sides are better than your favorite band's entire discography.


I was not ready for that fucking gif I thought it was gonna be them screaming at each other. Now anytime either of them tweets some vemon at each other I'm gonna post this.

Fooken children's cartoon music.