That 25 year old who starts learning an instrument late in life to cope with his mid life crisis

>that 25 year old who starts learning an instrument late in life to cope with his mid life crisis

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>late in life
>mid life crisis
zoomer hands typed this post

lol yeah fuck off it's cool to learn how to do shit

starting to learn an instrument in your 20s is late in life. nobody who started that late ever made it past the beginner hobbyist phase of musicianship.

>nooo you cant just do something to enjoy it!

1. 25 is a quarter life crisis, not midlife, this isn't the 15th century.

2. He's doing way better than the 25yo who goes on the internet to brag about his super deep, unique music taste to cope with his crisis.(you)

>imagine the noise

I'm 23. It may be too late for a lot of things but whatever, I just want to be able to play at this point.


Yes. Go learn how to work an mpk instead.

controversial and brave take. i started learning guitar at 18 and felt that was way too late. jealous of the kids forced to learn instruments before they were 10

Some people do have a hidden talent. As an adult, you can learn very fast if you are motivated, have a good teacher and put the work in. They might not be virtuosos but they could be good enough to play in a band after a few years.

Also Ryo Fukui started learning piano in 1970 released Scenery in 1976.

you jelly?

mid 30s here, its not too late. its never too late (unless you're like fucking 90, then rip). the whole "your life is over after X" is a fucking meme excuse for not doing anything with your life.

pick up the instrument. fuck what people say, especially people online. learning an instrument can be broken down into 2 key aspects. 1st is the physical learning of it. instruments, especially very tactile instruments with lots of hand and arm movement (so like a guitar or piano as opposed to a flute or trumpet where hand position is more stationary) is about muscle memory and familiarity. the important part is just fucking doing it, sitting down, every single day you can, for at least 20-30 minutes, but an hour would be ideal, and just do exercises. sounds boring, and it is, but you need to ingrain the instrument into your muscle memory. the same as learning to type on a keyboard when you were in school. first you stumbled, maybe hunt and pecked, had to look at the keys as you typed. the more familiar, the less you notice the keyboard itself. same idea

the second half is theory. chords, scales, harmony, key, what makes a good sound vs what is dissonant. this is more mental, more research, though some musicians can stumble through it by ear. listen to other music you like and see what they did on the sheet/tabs. see what works, start with that, and then improvise and write original stuff afterwards.

final piece of advice: buy training candy. whatever your favorite piece is. not a big piece, just maybe a bite of chocolate or something. after, and only after, you complete a practice session, have 1 piece. this creates early and quick reward synapses and will trick your brain subconciously into enjoying practice and playing and helps get you past the "i suck and everything sounds bad" phase

It's good to know that my practice will amount to a watered down modal jazz album that zoomers jerk off over on YouTube

some day i will move beyond baby's first accordion book

You'd be lucky if it amounted to anything that gets wanked by anybody

It sounds like you're talking about yourself in your post, OP, so all I can say is to not be too self-absorbed to take tried-and-true advice, and find your true passion and stop worrying because nothing matters at all

Thank you, user

I will settle for nothing less than once-in-a-lifetime underground musical genius who encapsulates the human condition on a magnus opus that exemplifies a transcendental truth and beauty

The guy in that pic is like 40

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>hopes he dies before he gets old

Me rn but a tiny difference in age

If I'm doing extreme metal and not like Pop or jazz or some shit it doesn't really matter how old I am though no?

Literally one of these in the making as we speak.