Post a film, get an album

Post a film, get an album.

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Weezer - Raditude

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wait the fuck? what is this?

The National - High Violet

Polish remake of the Gwenyth Paltrow movie Sliding Doors

blind chance came out a decade earlier and is much better.

>messes your hair up like a drunk gay uncle

Attached: Stop Making Sense.jpg (300x300, 21.42K)

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Probably some japanese metal or some shit, wish i could link you something but i don't remember the stuff i've heard. Films pretty chillin, me and you are probably among the few on this pleb board who have seen this

songs ohia album with the weird owl thing cause jason molina was an alcoholic, died doin what he loved

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Because you like boring shit that drags on and on.

no, really?

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