Was this the best album of the 20's so far?

Was this the best album of the 20's so far?

Talking as an anti-theist: it only dawned on me after I finished the album, but she sings about poison getting into faith and religion, while religion itself was the poison all along. it has some sort of a poetic beauty to it.

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>talking as an anti-theist
kill yourself my man

definitely on the top 5 list as of now....

>kill yourself my man

I thought Christians were supposed to preach love. You sound more like a Jew.

>monkey pox

Christ returns to cast final judgment on the non-believers. You have defined yourself as an anti-theist.

shut up asshole, nobody cares about your retarded takes

the album

user, Lingua Ignota is a former atheist who found religion again because she enjoyed the idea of rapists and abusers suffering for all eternity in hell
you are now legally required to hate this album because you're a culture warrior who doesn't actually care about art

don’t care, still love YWGWYW

But I def care about art, I can separate the ideology of the artist from their art

I just think religion is bad

You're a fag

Besides, I want to add this: I don't think she turned to religion "so that rapists will suffer in hell", at least as far as I know.

That's an extremely insensitive and shallow view of the situation, user. I empathize with her and hope she finds happiness and joy in life moving forward. its sad that she turned to religion though because its never the right answer

Give your top 5 list

>religion is bad
Major religions in the world are objectively good. Religion has brought good to humanity on an individual and social level.

>its never the right answer
Philosophers definitely don't have the answers or anyone with an epistemologically pragmatic world view.

One look at any theocratic country and you'll see how much harm religion can cause.

The west started to flourish when the lifestyle of people and government became more secular, should I remind you how the world was like when it was more religious and we had crusaders, witch hunts, people dying from fake superstitious medicine, etc.

Religion is awful and harmful to society

Christ thought that the Kingdom of God was an earthly place that was going to exist during his lifetime, that God was going to come out of the heavens with his angels and establish a utopia free from rule of the Romans, Pharisees, and Sadducces. Despite having clear political enemies, he was sympathetic towards Greeks, Samaritans, and other gentiles. He hated the Romans because they were oppressing his people. He only casts judgement on those who are against him personality. Read your bible and read up on the history surrounding it. It's amazing how ignorant Christians are of their own religion. Even though I'm not religious, I don't hate Jesus Christ (partially due to the fact I was raised Protestant, but also because objectively, Jesus has good ideas about how to become a more moral version of yourself). Also, I think the historical Christ would be appalled by the state of the Christian church right now. He would've surely turned the tables of Joel Osteen's megachurch for not giving up their possessions to please God.

You Christians need to get rid of this awful idea about non-believers getting judgement because it makes you no better than Pharisees. The tribulation is never going to happen. The rapture is never going to happen. It's wiser to take Jesus' teaching in a Platonic sense where it's about living a holy life rather than subscribing to a death cult!

Christ would be ashamed of all of you. To quote a wise man "there is no virile hate than Christian hate".

I agree with the institution of marriage, but it's hard to just get rid of it due to man's pursuit of meaning or Platonic "truth", which is sought out in the form of spirituality. Even if we get rid of religion, secular ideologies become a replacement, and are seen as dogma (i.e. Death of God). The obvious solution is to just believe in yourself, but people don't trust themselves because they lack the cognition to be responsible.

>Religion is awful and harmful to society
Theocracy isn't the fault religion. None of the major religions of the world call to tyranny, in fact they call to humility, responsibility and compassion. Don't neglect the fundamental nature of men being prone to doing evil and loving power.

People using religion for political and selfish motives and also misinterpreting texts and deviating from it main purpose doesn't deny the fact that religion is good. People are so uneducated on religions and absorb false ideologies like scientism, liberalism or extremists politics.

Religion is good and very prosperous to society. Observe truly committed religious people in any of the major religions way like Muslim sages in Mauritania or Tibetan Buddhist monks.

"Religion is bad" is a very false generalization. Religious people can be bad and the bad ones are not work by the values of what they learned from their religion.

People are so delusional they can't tell good from bad.

there hasnt been a single good album since 2011

>But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Revelation 21:8

You were warned

The West flourished exactly because of Christianity you fucktard

And look at the state of things now lmao

No, its because their lifestyle became more secular and they invested in science instead of wasting time on religion

All your old school scientists were Christian

>None of the major religions of the world call to tyranny, in fact they call to humility, responsibility and compassion.

And they call for alot of awful and nonsensical things too. don't cherrypick just the good stuff, remember the bible was pro-slavery and treated women like subhumans. there is a shit ton of barbaric laws and rules in the bible that people ignore because its convenient to ignore it.

People need to show compassion out of empathy, not because they believe a magical sky wizard will punish them if they don't show compassion

It was extremely difficult to not be Christian in a society that prosecuted and shunned people who dare to not follow the religion.

It is a matter of fact that on average people who engage in science tend to be less religious or atheist