Does an artist's character and actions effect your enjoyment of their works?

Does an artist's character and actions effect your enjoyment of their works?

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fuck no, brand new is the best. If you make good music even if u rape a bitch ill listen to it, hell Game is a pedo and i listen to "My life" like every day i dont give a fuck.


Jesse's behavior was pretty tame compared to the reaction that came from it

no, if someone says 'yes' they don't actually like music

How the hell do you all know the personal lives of who you listen to? For some artists it's unavoidable, but anyone not in the major news I do not know what they are up to. Frankly I don't care.

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Unfortunately, yes. As far as picrel goes, I always wondered where the guilt came from.

unless their action is making bad music, no.

ask that question here: no.
as that question on twitter: yes.

who is right? the one that says no,
dont believe me?
go ask twitter.

Not at all, and this dude barely even did anything bad. Brand new is one of my favorite bands

While we're on the subject, I would like to thank Ian Watkins for getting arrested and imprisoned and thus finally getting me to listen to Losprophets. Fake Sound of Progress was actually really solid, and those threads on here detailing the whole saga were legendary.

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Shietttt I forgot musicians exist that do really heinous stuff like this. My mind won’t let me appreciate music made by legitimate pedophiles

It just made it more grounded for me, like, zeah, he wasn't talking shit.

Jesse Lacey is innocent

No, don't care about it

A little bit but I'll still listen
When Russia invaded Ukraine I couldn't listen to any of my Russian music for a few weeks. It just "felt wrong" somehow.

genuine queer

For me it depends.
Sometimes an artist's character can enhance the experience of their art.
If I enjoy the art but don't like their personality, I just choose to ignore it.

How so? It's not like I never listened to it again, I did. It just takes time

Ukraine wasn't invaded by whatever Russian musicians you listen to, idiot. They had nothing to do with it. Did you stop listening to American music when the US invaded Iraq or Afghanistan? I bet you didn't. Hypocrite retard

There's just something a bit performative about not listening to music from a country because of something that countries government did.