Favoritees thread?

Favoritees thread?

Give recs, guess things

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nice porn and animal i guess

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who's the porn? and weathering with you is just a worse version of an already mediocre movie

>all those NOs

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>Samiam - Clumsy
this is mostly off the back of Knapsack

>Steve Reich - 2x5
nice Messiaen

>Crying - Beyond the Fleeting Gales
shoutouts to my homies drinking calpis

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I don't have a favorite drink, youtuber, or podcast and I don't do drugs.
Nice Cowboy Bebop and Up, beautiful film

How do we assemble these? Paint?

best itt. i guess there aren't a lot of charts yet to compete with but that's beside the point.

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kinda basic i know but i like it i hope everyone here is having a good day :D
leonard cohen is fucking great, have a nice monday
i saw you on the other thread mount erie is a nice album, idk how you are feeling rn but i wish you the best :D
i havent watched cowboy bebop should i ? Great chart :)

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>"all those NOs"
>has own drug category set to "Just say no."
You people aren't even self aware.
Nice music though, Cowboy bebop, Persona, Porter Robinson.

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>>Steve Reich - 2x5
yeah I have listened to it, not my favorite Reich, but not bad. I think Electric Counterpoint is one of my favorites from him.
Nice D'Angelo, one of the best albums from last decade


Gang of 4, cohen, private war and ayahuasca, niceeee

Who's the lady tho?

heard kira say porn made her a lesbian

I'm cool with that.


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incredibly based

whos the girl in the porn category. please i need a name???

+eva +water
+porter +mcr +bebop ost +up
+smiths ++snowing +porn
+eva ++Malcolm in the Middle
+Perturbator +Doom +Chainsaw Man +Mr.Robot ++Doggy
+Porter +Carly

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