Emo bands like picrel? Preppy emo stuff that feels distinctly new england dark academia...

emo bands like picrel? Preppy emo stuff that feels distinctly new england dark academia. Both brave little abacus albums are like this, Pinkerton and maladroit, every brand new album, early TBS, some kinsella stuff is for sure

Attached: 5ECA9D55-B464-47CB-A42B-593570E1094C.jpg (728x1019, 140.39K)

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Motion City Soundtrack

Death Cab for Cutie, Jimmy Eat World, Bright Eyes, The Get Up Kids, Saves the Day

All the emo girls I knew were obsessed with My Chemical Romance. There is no such thing as "preppy emo" emo is already the preppy form of punk/goth

Mikey Way in early mcr days dressed kinda like op's picrel though.

As a New Englander this was extremely painful to read,the MIT Students have poor hygiene and wear novelty video game/Pop culture reference shirts still though so you might not be wrong.


Also this,and why Emo is cancer.


You'd be the one to actually do it though. Don't think I've seriously tried to do that since like Highschool,you toughen up and stop being so invested.

You literally have never seen a woman naked before,I fucking guarantee it.

That isn’t emo that’s pop punk

Fucking this.

Mcr is not pop punk either.

It's like 50/50 desu,most of those bands are half Pop Punk and Half Emo and like it or not that's what most people expect Emo to be.

>emo is already the preppy form of punk/goth
not real emo

That's just called emo pop, which is a fusion of pop punk and emo. It started in the 90s with Saves the Day, The Get Up Kids, and arguably Jawbreaker's last album.

I'd say it's less than 50 for each genre, they are just influences among others.

>Pinkerton and maladroit
Elaborate on this? I think I know what you're talking about but what makes those albums fit in the style you're describing, and how don't the other early weezer albums (blue and green) fit?

ahh this old maym
this whole style of clothes reminds me of 97-2001
filling the gap between grunge and ironic trucker hats with thrift store t-shirts

picrel is the album you're looking for

Attached: desa.jpg (500x500, 78.09K)

the only truly correct answer itt