Yes sir I will do what you tell me

>yes sir I will do what you tell me

Attached: RATM.png (1080x527, 202.21K)

On that same point their original fanbase learned they were a bunch of phonies when they released the music video tie in to the 1998 film Godzilla starring Matthew Broderick. This is old news at this point when you really get down to it.

I laughed hard at your caption. Friend of my mine is "all into RATM" again but is also a massive liberal. Also WORKS for the Machine. Doesn't realize the irony who they are now what what they preach vs. what they support.

When you rage against the machine so hard you become the machine

Elaborate on why getting a vaccine is being the machine?

good got, now get your 5th booster

you literally get an rfid chip injected into your bloodstream bro

You will never build a natural immunity and will forever be a slave to big pharma.

That’s not elaborating at all, you nigger

Your body will develop an immunity to it on its own but with all these vaccines and boosters you are helping the virus mutate and become stronger, becoming vaccine resistant
All of this is done on purpose to keep you forced to get routine boosters so big pharma keeps lining their pockets

Getting a vaccine isn't the machine, enforcing vaccination is the machine

Ask yourself how many vaccines have you've taken in your life that didn't give you immunity from the thing being vaccinated for?

Attached: 3star.png (640x480, 116.56K)

you are rarted

Covid is the only one that does everything but give you immunity. Weird

You know it's true

Hello sirs.

Attached: overly enthusiastic terrorist.jpg (1037x1036, 121.66K)

leftists aren't against vaccines, vaccines are good, we're just against "big pharma" making things expensive and unacceptable for a lot of people
the "fuck you i won't do what you tell me" refers to authority oppressing you, not "big pharma" giving vaccines or the media telling you to vaccinate, why would people that care about the well-being of society be against this? someone who is not vaccinated in this pandemic is only risking more people to catch the disease
right wingers have this conspiracy-theoretical way of seeing things as if the "big pharma" is there to force vaccines into you to brainwash you or something, which is non-sense

Forcing people to be vaccinated before entering your show is the machine though.
Also this. There ARE boosters for certain things like Tetanus, Menegitis etc but you don't need the booster within MONTHS or a year. They literally changed the definition of vaccine and immunity.
Wasn't the whole point to have herd-immunity? We surpassed that at the level of vaccination we're at. Look at friggin' Israel or Australia. Didn't seem to help them much either. If Biden and my mother in law can overcome covid in days doesn't seem that deadly.

>someone who is not vaccinated in this pandemic is only risking more people to catch the disease
The vaccine does absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting the virus nor does it do anything to prevent you from spreading it

When you look at the stats and all the hidden shit coming out it's the vaccinated who are re-catching it more, are more transmissable and taking longer to recover. (Not to mention being hospitalized more) That's not the narrative peddled but it is the reality.

Vaccinated people are creating stronger mutations of the virus because the vaccine does nothing to prevent you getting or giving the virus

This. The reason we've seen SO many variants (when have we EVER seen this many variants in this time period of 3 years?) is because of the vaccines and virus shedding.

Many things we thought we'd gotten rid of and the surge in things like breast cancer, cancers in general etc are because we've fucked with the immune system and it's almost like an AIDS situation where your body can no longer fight things off.