Halleluwah is the greatest song ever written

Halleluwah is the greatest song ever written.

Attached: Can - Tago Mago.jpg (900x855, 750.31K)

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pretty sure it was improvised/semi-improvised

Turn off all the lights in your room, make some space, turn on this album, close your eyes and just walk around your room and let your imagination run wild, it's a completely otherwordly experience.

listened to it stoned the other day with a friend, we were both mesmerized. probably my 50th listen but it felt like i finally "got" it, i had goosebumps for its entirety. suzuki's probably one of the most emotionally evocative musicians for me when it comes to moments like those, he's just pure unintelligible emotion

>art college jam band
Imagine being impressed by this shit

ok pretentious canterbury enjoyer.

>art college
Retard detected

Trashcan is more like it

get off the shrooms schizo fuck


Paperhouse is the only listenable song

They're genuinely impressive,less sad than getting a hard on for pet sounds or whatever the fuck tbqh. Cutting edge for the time and still pretty damn experimental.

Based,really neat mix of elements at play both on this one and the follow up.
Say you have the attention span of a small child without actually saying it.

based, here's something else you may like

Check out Dom-Edge of Time aswell.

Grateful Dead jams but for pseuds

Absolutely, easily the best song on the album and one of the best can songs. Fucking love can

Other music is pointless when Halleluhwah exists


Actually it's Oh Yeah but you were close